News and heartbreak

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So bit of drama in this chapter it just a sets the mood for the next one I hope you like it guys so please tell me what you think. I'm sorry if the others were boring but they were filler chapters.

I had such a good sleep. Just thinking how amazing it is to come this far.

I walked down stairs to hear my mum talking to someone. "I don't think it's a good idea she's so young" , "I know how you feel, you're not the only parent who doesn't want it, we just want them to get to know each other more and the apar..", "Elle, I know you're there come in" mum interrupted. Crap. I walked awkwardly into the kitchen still in my pyjama shorts and top to see none other then Nathan there. Oh the joy and I'm just in my pyjamas... Great.

I crossed my arms and walked in to see my mum Jayne and Nathan all staring at me. Thanks mum I look like such a mug. "Jayne thinks it's a good idea if you move out to live in an apartment with the boys." My mum said. I just nodded. Even though I wanted to jump up and down and scream at the top of my lungs. "Do you think you'd like that? Or would you be uncomfortable with 5 boys?" Jayne asked. "I don't mind if I'm honest we get on great so..." I said giving my mum the puppy dog eyes. Nathan smiled to himself."It's also only down the road Judy, you can walk to her" Jayne said smiling. "And we'll take care of her, she's the baby of the band so we let anything bad happen to her." Nathan said smiling. Weirdo. I blushed. I felt a bit embarrassed.

All our eyes were on mum as she let out a sigh before saying "okay, I suppose you can". I gave her a massive hug before she did the same to Jayne and Nathan while whispering something in his ear. Hmmmmm....

"Well we better get going, I'll see you soon Elle" Jayne smiled. She and Nathan headed for the door. My mum went upstairs.

I leaned on the kitchen table and jumped up with joy. And started saying "yes yes yes yes yes!!" I was unbelievably happy. I was dancing around the room when I turned around and saw him. Nathan. I thought he left? We stared blankly at each other until he said "sorry I just had to use to bathroom". I looked down at the ground."sorry I got overly happy" I said pulling a piece of hair behind my ear. "Awh no it was cute! I wanted to do it as well when your mum said yes" he smiled . "I didn't really get my happy moment so how about we do it together ?" He said. "Okay?" I said unsure. "Oh my god we get to move out and live in our own apartment!" He screamed. "Oh my god!" I said playing along. We went crazy. We started singing and dancing around when suddenly his hands met my waist and he lifted me up like a ballerina. I put my hands on his shoulders. He put me down and it got awkward. Yay.

"I better go I'll see you soon" he said. "Okay yeah I'll see you soon". He walked on and I closed the door.

*beep beep*

*incoming text*

Daniel :hey babe I miss you do you wanna come over for a bit?xx

Me: sure babe see you soon x

I got to his house and rang the doorbell. "Hey babe" he said kissing my cheek. "Hiya" i said walking inside.

"I have news" I said shyly sitting down on the couch. "Cool what is it?" He asked. "Well I'm moving out of my mums house to move into an apartment with my bandmates near the studio" I smiled. He didn't reply. He just stared blankly at me. "Are you kidding?" he said. "They're five boys Elle? Like what the fuck is wrong with you? They're obviously going to try and get with you or something!" He screamed. "How dumb can you get?" He mumbled under his breath. I couldn't believe this was happening he's my boyfriend. He was very over protective of me though so I should have seen it coming. "are you serious Daniel? They're my bandmates and if you trusted me you wouldn't mind because you know that I'm faithful to you! I get to live my dream and if it's with 5 boys so be it! I screamed. " Elle get out" he said. "No I want talk about this" I stated. "Elle, GO" he said raising his voice. "No Daniel you can't just walk away from the situation".

Before I knew it my cheek was stinging and blood was coming out of my mouth. I looked up at him. "Elle I'm.... I'm so sorry" he said shaking. I got up and ran out the door ignoring him shouting my name. That bastard. He was always over protective of me and he took it out on my dream and well my face. I don't want to look at him. I couldn't believe he had done that. I suddenly felt really scared.

I got home and went straight into the bathroom. There was a huge purple/blue bruise on my cheek and blood was dripping from my mouth. I cleaned it up the best I could but the bruise was still showing. "Elle?" a voice said. Shit. What am I suppose to say?

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