Fans cougars and True Feelings

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So... This chapter is interesting let's just say that! I hope you like it! Please comment, vote etc. :)

Today we were actually going to an interview and performing All Time Low and Iris by the googoo dolls for MTV live.

We were so excited because we had gotten so many fans on twitter and some said they were coming today. I was kinda nervous.

We got to the office place of MTV in our tour bus. It was lashing outside. I was absolutely wrecked. "Well isn't someone excited" I heard Jay say. I didn't move because I was so comfortable. "Come on you lazy lump let's go" he said picking me up bridal style. I moaned because I didn't want to move. "Come on missus, interview time" he said. "But the couch I can't leave it, can you hear it? It's calling me back" I sighed. "Oh god here we go". He twisted me around so now he was giving me a piggy back ride. "Awh the baby's tired" Max said rubbing my ear.

We got inside and then I had to get down and start walking. We were greeted by a tall lady who was capped in makeup. "Welcome, you must be The Wanted" she said. 'Hi' we all chorused. She shook all our hands and when she got to Nathan she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Cougar" I mumbled to Max. He burst out laughing and she gave me a dirty look.

We got to a room with a long red couch and a single chair facing it. We sat down. I plonked myself down with Jay and Max beside me. They were so much taller than me .I looked so weird.

The same girl came in from earlier and greeted us again. "As you can see I'm here with the new pop sensations The Wanted." She smiled to the camera.

"Okay so we're just going to fire out some questions". We nodded. "Who's takes the longest to get ready?" She asked. "Nathan" we all said except for Nathan who said "Elle". He frowned and said "why me?!". We laughed and Tom defended. "Because Elle doesn't try hard". "What?!" I said shocked. "No I mean like to try to look like perfect every single day" he said giving me a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes and carried on.

After a couple of questions she suddenly asked "who's most likely to date Elle?". My smiled dropped. What kind of question is that?! "I wouldn't date any of them." I said. "Awh we love you too baby Elle" Jay said pulling into his chest. "Jelle forever" he whispered. Everyone laughed except Nathan who looked a bit pissed off. Moody git.

We carried on and sang All Time Low and then went on to sing Iris.

And I don't want the world to see me,

Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

We sang and it was amazing. We got so hyper after it. We were hopping and jumping up and down until we got to the door. That's when we saw them. Fans. About 20 girls standing outside behind rails. When they saw us they started screaming. They had signs with ' We Love TW' or sometimes like ' Jaybird we love you'. I got upset because I thought that I was probably the one member the fans didn't like. I was the only girl. Until I saw one with 'baby Elle is the best'. We walked out and everyone started screeching and roaring. I went over to the girls with my sign.

"Oh my god it's you" she said. "Hiya, you all okay? I love your sign" I said and they started screaming. I jumped. "We love you so much, can we get a picture?" , "of course you can babe" I said and she let out a little smile. We took the picture and I went down the line. I came up to a girl who was balling her eyes out. "Oh my god" she said holding her hand to her mouth. "Hi" I waved. She just stared at me shaking. "Awh come here babe don't cry we don't bite" I said as I rubbed up and down her arms. The other girls went crazy and started taking pictures.

We sadly had to leave to go and perform at our first proper gig at a venue.We got there and we were so excited. We got in and did sound check.

* After the Gig*

We ran off the stage and were so pumped. We gave each other hug when I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry" I said. I looked up to see a a guy my age with blue eyes and brown hair up in a quiff. "Oh no don't worry about it, wait... You were just on stage" he smiled showing his perfect straight teeth. "Yeah I was" I smiled blushing. "You were amazing, how about we hang out sometime" he asked. "Sure" I smiled. I wrote down my number and gave it to him. Score!

I was walking back to the dressing room when I saw Nathan by himself sitting on the stage. I slowly went up and sat down beside him. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah" he said quickly avoiding eye contact with me. "There obviously is Nath what's wrong?" ,"nothing!" He said. "Fine then I was just trying to help you don't need to be such a twat about it"I said getting up.

"Why did you pick him?" He said raising his voice. "What are on you on about?" I asked him. "That guy backstage! You gave him your number!" He shouted getting angry. I'd never seen him like this. "Why does that matter?" I said getting louder. "Because he doesn't deserve you! You don't even know him Elle!" He said standing up. "Why do you suddenly care who I give my number to?" I said shouting. "Because I care about you Elle!, I trust you and I hate seeing you upset! That guy doesn't deserve you you're too good for him" he shouted. I stared at him blankly. What was he talking about? Why is he defensive over me?


"I like you Elle okay? A lot. From the day we met in the office I've liked you. You make me smile, laugh and we get on the best." He said letting out a smile while bending his arm back to scratch his neck.I couldn't believe what I heard. "I ... I..." I stuttered.

Before I knew it I was cut off. He crashed his lips into mine. It was like fireworks. It sent shivers down my body. His hands rested on my hips while my hands were on his chest. I kissed him back. It was finally clear to me how much I liked him too. Which was a lot. "I like you too" I whispered as we pulled away.

I looked into his beautiful green eyes and we both smiled.

"I don't think you know how happy I am to hear that" he said as he kissed me again.

Soo? What you think? This was a big chapter so please tell me what you think guys it would mean so much! If you want me to continue it as well please say! Thank you :) ~ Ellen x

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