Meet my dad

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I was going to ask him today. I hope he'd say yes. I woke up and headed downstairs. I made myself a cuppa and started to fry some bacon.

Suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. "Boo" he said. "Oh my god you scared me" I joked. "How are you?" He asked leaning his head into my neck. "Good and you?" I asked. "Great" he smiled. Shit. Your not going to be after I ask you.

Okay. Here I go. "So I wanted to ask you something" I asked nervously. "Of course" he smiled. Ugghhhhh thanks Nath just make it harder. "Do you wanna come home with me?" I shaked. "We're already home" he joked. "Nath!" I said pushing his away. "You know what I mean" I huffed.

He pulled me back into his chest. he kissed up my neck. "I'd love to" he said. I was shocked. "Really?" I asked. "Of course". I turned around and wrapped of arms around his neck. We just stared and smiled at each other. He pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too".

In that moment I felt like crying. I was so happy and so thankful to have him in my life. He was my everything. I love him.

We woke up the next morning and we're ready to go. We got to the airport and greeted fans. I was with Nathan when they asked. "Are you scared to meet her dad?" She asked. "Yeah" he said giving them and awkward smile. Awwh the poor thing.

We got on the plane and I fell asleep. It's much easier to fall asleep on a plane than a train.

"Babe, babe! We're here love" Nath said poking me. I jumped up. Wow. Home.

We got off the plane and got out bags. Nathan held my hands as we walked out. Oh my god. Fans. Irish fans.

"ELLE!!! NATHAN!!" They yelled. I ran over to them. "Hi" I said. They screamed. "It's so amazing to meet you" she said being to cry. "You too I'm happy to be home" I smiled.

We left after a while and headed on the road. My dad lives in the country so it's 2 hour drive. "We're going right into the country" I joked in a culchie accent. "Oh my god " he laughed shaking his head. "Oh by the way... There isn't any phone signal" I said. "Whaattt?!??" He almost yelled. "It's okay it's just in the village! But he house has wifi so that's okay!" I said. "Okay at least we have wifi I can live with that" he said kissing my cheek.

We were finally there. We got into the drive and walked up to the door. "Shit" Nathan mumbled. "What?" I asked stopping him. "Elle what if he hates me?" He said. Awwwh. Now he knows how I felt. "Don't worry Nath, he'll love you" I said kissing him.

We got to the door. Nathan was holding my hand. The door opened.

"DAD!" I screamed. "Awwwh my baby's home!" he said giving me the biggest hug. "I missed you so much love" he said kissing my head. I let go and looked at Nathan. "Dad ... This is Nathan" I said. "Hello Nathan it's very nice to meet you" he said shaking his hand. "You too Mr.Moore it's great to finally meet you" Nathan smiled. "Oh please call me Conor" he said. We walked in and got settled down.

We had tea and started to chat. "So do you like fishing Nathan?" Dad asked. "Yeah I love it" Nath smiled. "Well I'll take you tomorrow then it's the season for all of that and you can borrow a rod" dad smiled. I nudged Nathan. He smiled.

We went to bed. But I forgot to brush my teeth. "I'll be right back" I said.

I met my dad downstairs. "Hey dad" "hey hun" "so what do you think?" I asked. "He seems like a nice boy Elle, I'll get to know him better tomorrow" he smiled. I went back to bed.

The next morning was good we made a fry up and I showed Nathan around the village. We got back to the house and dad and Nathan got ready for fishing. "Okay we're off" my dad said walking out the door with Nathan. He kissed me and shut the door.

I was at my dad's desk writing lyrics when I saw a letter

Mr.Moore we are glad to tell you that you are officially on the transplant list for receiving a new kidney. Please stick to your diet plan and we will call you for dates of your checkups and if we receive a donor for you.

Dad lost one of his kidneys about a year ago. It was hard. You can still see he's sick but he's happy. He likes to cook and he writes for the daily newspaper so he's doing something he loves. But it hurts him.

I got lost for a while writing lyrics then a heard the door open. "We're back!" Dad yelled. "Catch anything?" I smiled. "We sure did! Your boyfriend here is a pro" he said. Nathan walked in with a big plastic bag with about 5 fish. "Wow well done!" I said kissing his cheek.

Time went by and I thought it was going well. I went to bed with Nath. "How was it today?" I asked. "Good I think we're getting along good" he smiled. "And I heard a few good baby stories about you" he laughed. "Oh god" I said putting my hands to my face. He chuckled and cuddled up against me. "Was it ever awkward?" I asked. "Not really he asked me to protect you since he doesn't see you at home and I said of course I will because I love you" he said. I kissed him and we fell fast asleep.

We sadly had to go the next day because of work.

"I love you daddy" I said giving him a hug. "I love you too sweetheart be careful" he said. "I will don't worry" I smiled. He shook Nathan's hand and we got in the car we both slept the whole way. Even on the plane.

Dad liked Nathan. Which is amazing because he never likes anyone else.

Tomorrow, we release Glad You Came and I'm buzzing.

Please comment what you think and vote!! If you liked the last one too please tell me. Good times for the band coming up and but of drama ;) I know it would be better to see what happened when Nathan and Elle's dad went fishing but it comes up later I promise! comment, vote etc ~ Ellen x

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