Meet the Sykes part 2

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I woke to Nathan staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I smiled.

"My beautiful girlfriend" he smiled kissing my nose. I giggled.

"I have a question" he said. "Shoot" ,

"Was I your first time?" he asked.

I turned my head and faced him. "Yeah" I blushed. "I obviously wasn't yours" I said.

"No you were" he smiled. "I'm surprised. Why didn't you do it earlier?" I asked.

"I wanted to do it with someone I love" he said kissing me.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. I saw Jess in the kitchen. "Morning!" I said. "Morning Elle did you get a good sleep?" She asked. "Yeah thanks". This family are so kind... It's amazing.

"Are you any good at doing French plaits?" She asked. "Yes! I love doing those. It's annoying when you live in a house with 5 boys and only 1 has hair you can barely plait" I laughed. She chuckled. "Who's hair do you plait?" She asked. Oh god. "Jays, let's just say he doesn't let me do it anymore" I said smiling. She burst out laughing.

I started plaiting her hair. It was amazing. I wish I had hair like hers. It was so beautiful and blonde. I could marry it. No joke.

"Soo any boys?" I asked. "Not really" she sighed. "Come on what's his name?" I asked. "Jack", "sexy name" I said and she laughed. "Have you gone a a date?"

"No not yet" she sighed. "Well don't worry they come around. Nathan took his time" I laughed.

After we had lunch we all went out to the local shopping centre. We got out of the car and walked in. Paps were screaming at us. "How do you two do it?" Karen asked. "We just ignore them" I said.

Nathan put his arm around my shoulder while we roamed the shops. We went into top shop and looked around. I saw a play suit and looked through the rails for my size. "I like it" Nath smiled. "Same I'm looking for my size". "8?" . "How did you know?". He held up a top shop bag. "I'm a stalker" he winked. "Nathan! Thank you but seriously let me pay you back" I said. "Nope I can afford it" he said. "So can I? let me pay for it" I said. "Nope let's just say it's a present from me to you" he said giving me a kiss.

We passed a hat shop and Nath went in. I picked up one with a spray paint effect on it. I crept up behind him and put it on his head. He turned around and looked at it. "I love this" he smiled. He looked at the price and out it down. "Come on let's buy it" I said. "Ah no it's alright I will the next time" he sighed. I knew the reason why.

"Wanna get a drink?" he asked gripping my hand. "Yeah sure just let me go to the bathroom" I said walking away.

I ran back into the hate shop and grabbed the hat before buying it and keeping it in my bag.

We had a drink before we got home. "Okay guys so basically we're having a barbecue and lots of family are coming" Karen smiled. "You can wear your new thing I got you" Nath whispered to me. "Play suit" I said. He grinned.

We got dressed and Nathan looked so cute. But something was missing. "You look amazing Elle" he said. "Thank you but close your eyes" I smiled. "No peeking! "I said looking back to see he had opened them. I got his hat and placed it on his head. He opened them and went to the mirror. "Elle you didn't" he said adjusting it. "Let's just say it's a present" I smiled. He held my face in his hands. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I smiled and we kissed. It have me shivers every time.

We headed down stairs and everyone was there. Wow. Big family. There was amazing food, music, and loads of stuff for the younger kids. I was introduced to lots of family members who were all lovely.

"Okay everyone I'd like Nathan and Elle to come here please" Karen said into the mic. We walked up holding hands . "Why don't you sing us a song off the album? One that means a lot to you two?" she asked. We shrugged.

We didn't even discuss what to sing we just knew.

Nathan started.

You could hurt with a word you could change my life,

He sang.

Then we reached the chorus

Cause you know we are made for each other take that away,

Made for each other like sunshine and day, made for each other I'm here to stay , made

Cause you know we are made for each other I'm made for you

Made for each other like stars and the moon

Made for each other we'll see it through

Cause you know we are made

We finished and he leaned in and kissed me. It felt amazing singing that with him because it meant so much to us.

We all calmed down when Nathan stood up. What was he doing? "I'd like to make a toast" he said. Shit. "First of all thank you all for coming this has been one amazing night for all of us. I'd like to thank my mum and all the family for supporting me through my journey with the band and to thank my mum for putting me in the stage school because without getting in the band I wouldn't have met Elle. She literally is my everything and I love her and I know you all do too. Elle isn't just my girlfriend but my bestfriend as well and we've been through thick and thin." He looked down at me. "I can tell she's really embarrassed right now but I just want you to know I love you so much love" then he leaned down and kissed me.

Thanks for reading! Hope you like it! Please comment what you think! Elle's best friend will be up soon so if you want to be her comment back on a chapter called 'help me'. Please comment, vote etc. ~Ellen xx

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