For the first time

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Meeting Haley was amazing. She was so beautiful. I finally felt like my life was going well for once. I'm happy.

I found a picture of me holding Haley. Nathan was behind me with his arms around my waist. We looked like a family. We looked so happy. We are so happy. I sound like such a sappy twat but I love him. He's my everything.

* Nathan's POV *

Elle put up a picture on twitter of us and baby Haley. It was amazing. It looked like we were parents and it seemed right. I love her and that's why I have to save her. The worst thing is knowing that she's going to be heartbroken. She won't want to look at me and that's going to kill me. She's one of those people who is so full of light and when she smiles. God that smile, it's contagious. I was surprised she's with me.

I was psyching myself up for everything in the car coming home. "Nath?" her voice rang in my ear. I came back. "Yeah" I smiled. "You zoned out are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah love I'm fine" I said putting my hand on her thigh.

* Elle's POV *

We got in home when I saw everyone on the couch. Lauren was cuddled up to Max. "Well what's going on here?" I said. Lauren blushed while Max pulled her closer. "Well I took your advice" he smiled. Im officially a match maker! They're so cute! Mauren! Cuties.

I made myself a cuppa and sat down with the boys. That's when we got a phone call from scooter. "So guys we want to promote you over here so we'd like you all to come and spend 3 months here, we're going to give you a month off before you leave" he said. "We even have a house for you and everything" he said. Wow that's long. But it's amazing. I guess I should go and see dad and probably should get some clothes for there too.

We had a group hug with everyone. We had come so far. "LETS GET WASTED!!!" Shouted Tom. We all ran upstairs to get ready.

Me and Lauren were in my room when we started to chat. "So you and Max" I winked. "Shut up" she poked me. "What? I'm happy I practically set you up" I smiled. "How are you and Nathan?" She asked. "Really good" I blushed. "Awwwh you two love a each other it's so cute, that picture of you two and Haley is adorable" she smiled. "Do you think you could like marry him?" , "yeah like after seeing that picture I literally thought wow I want him to be with me forever" I blushed.

I did her makeup and she looked like a fucking goddess. We got downstairs and I took Nathan's hand as we walked out the door.

We got to the club filled with loads of people. We got our drinks and I saw Kelsey. "Kels!" I screamed. "Elle oh my god I haven't seen you in ages" she said pulling me into a hug. We sipped our drinks while we danced a bit. I was not getting drunk tonight after last time no way. We got another drink and I returned to the booth.

I walked in to see something that literally made me fall to the floor. The fucking assistant who threatened to tell the world about my past and almost choked me was sitting on top of Nathan. His fucking hand was resting in her thigh as she giggled to him. His eyes connected with mine. "Elle" he mumbled before pushing her off him and getting up. "Don't!" I screamed as I got into the corridor.

I sat down and tried to control my breathing and tried not to punch the wall. Suddenly someone stepped out and leaned down to me. I looked up to see him standing there. "What is wrong with you? the girl who held me by the throat and threatened to tell the world about my horrible past? Really her? " I cried. "Elle..." He mumbled looking down. "I love you" , "don't say that" I said holding my face in my hands. I could feel him just staring at me. That's when I pushed myself to ask it.

"Do you love her?"

I looked up and he nodded. I couldn't look at him. I stood up and he helped me up. "Don't touch me" I said bluntly. He took my hand and pulled me into him and held my face. My hands were pressed against his chest. "Stop" I said looking into his beautiful green eyes. Then he said those words.

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