I know your secret

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My dad was in hospital. He collapsed at home. They said now that the one kidney he has is starting to shut down so he really needs another one. But I'm not old enough to give him one.

I was worried about him. I couldn't sleep thinking about it. We we're staying here for one more day and it was amazing but I wasn't in a great mood.

I was thinking about life, staring at the ceiling before I went to the bathroom. Then it happened. Period. Thank The Lord! No wonder I was getting spotty. I looked in the mirror and wiped my eyes that seemed to be red and puffy. My hair was in a pony tail and it was messy but I liked it. I was in a pyjama top and shorts with dream team written on them. I brushed my teeth.

I walked out and sighed. I opened my eyes to see Nathan on my bed on his phone. I jumped. "Oh my god! you scared me!" I said. He chuckled. I huffed and got back into bed.

Soon everyone was in my room. Seriously why my room?

"Can we please do something today?" Tom asked. "Beach?" Max asked. "Bird could do with a tan" Tom laughed. "Why am I getting picked on?" He defended.

They all finally left leaving me and Nathan. "Are you going to come?" he asked. "I'll see I don't know" I sighed. he moved over beside me. "Are you okay?" He said. "Yeah I'm just worried" I sighed. He kissed my shoulder. "He'll be fine don't worry love" he said. I sighed again.

"Come on" he said lifting my face. He leaned in and kissed me. I held his face as I kissed back. He pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my legs around him. I smiled into the kiss. I could feel him getting turned on so I stopped. "Nath we cant" I said getting off him. "Why?" I asked doing his doggy face. I loved that face. It made me feel bad. "Because I got my period" I said. "Poo" he huffed. "Poo?" I joked. We both just laughed.

I went to the shop and bought some tampons. I may as well go to the beach, it might clear my mind.

I got to the bathroom and changed into my bikini and did my business. Ugh I hate tampons. I put on my sunglasses and knitted cardigan before walking down to the beach.

I could hear Toms scream from a mile away. And then Kelsey's. I walked down before Max and Jay came running at me. I stop and realised they had seaweed in their hands. I fucking hate seaweed! I stopped then screamed as I ran the other way. I went in a circle back the others and hid behind Nathan. "Why hello" he said. I smiled as they got closer. "Nath move!" Max screamed. "Oh shit" Nathan said moving out of the way before I was covered in seaweed. Sound Nath.

"I'm going to kill you" I said under my breath as they all laughed. Kelsey helped get it off me before we decided to go in the water. Nathan winked at me while we dived in. "They are loving this" she joked. We looked over to see them staring at us. We started to laugh.

We splashed around for a while when I saw Gemma. She was in a black sinusitis cut at the sides to show her perfect figure. "Ugh" I mumbled. "Fuck" Kelsey said. "Seriously? I think she's trying to get attention" I snapped. "Especially from the boys" she said. I looked back to she her holding her sun cream bottle and asking Nathan something. He started putting it on her shoulders. I could hit him. Why does he think that's okay?!

I huffed and walked out back to the beach. "Hey Elle" she grinned. "hi" I mumbled sitting down on my towel.

After a while me Jay and Seev decided to dig a huge hole. It was so big we had to help each other and it was down a hill so you couldn't see it. I hope Gemma falls in it and can't get out.We went back to sit down.

"Oh I look a bit burnt in my legs, Nathan do you put some cream on them for me?" Gemma said. Ugh no. Max and Tom rolled their eyes. "Can't you reach your own legs" I sassed. Max burst out laughing. "Well yeah but I was just wondering if Nathan wanted to do it" she smiled as if nothing was wrong. "Why would he want to?" I asked. She just rolled her eyes and put it on herself. Yeah that's right.

I was lying on my tummy when someone hit my bum. "Fuck off" I said. "Hello to you too love" I heard Nath say. "Your kinda red on your back do you want me to put some cream on it" he asked. "Wouldn't you much prefer to put it on Gemma?" I huffed. He laughed picked me up. "Put me down!!" I screamed. He carried me down the beach then put me down. He took my hand. "Id much prefer to put it on you" he said. "Hmm" I said. "I was being nice, if you don't like it I won't do it again" he said. "Okay" I sighed. "Why don't you like her anyways?" he asked as we walked down the beach. "It's not that I don't she just seems mysterious I don't trust her" I said.


We're back home now. I'm tired. We had to get separate taxis and I got stuck with Gemma. It was silent before she said "why do you hate me?"." I don't hate you I dislike you because you've been all over my boyfriend" I said being proud I sassed back. Suddenly her hand got my neck. "I fucking worked my ass off to try get an audition for this band! I met Nathan in auditions so technically I met him before you! And I know the real reason you moved here Elle, don't make me tell anyone" she said. "What the fuck is going on?!" Nathan shouted opening the door. "shit" she mumbled releasing me. I gasped for air. He pulled me out of the car. I squeezed him tight and started to cry. He lifted my face up. "Are you okay" he said cupping my face. "Don't ever leave me alone please" I stuttered. He pulled me close. The taxi drove away quickly. Fuck.

He brought me to bed and we just sat down. He held me close as my head leaned into his neck.

I guess I had to tell him now. The real reason we had to move here.

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