Meet the Sykes part 1

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We had some time off and I was planning to go and see me dad at home in Ireland. But I had a week off before I go.

I was in the kitchen at the counter eating my breakfast when Siva came in. "Ah hello" he said. "Morning seev" I smiled. " So what are you gunna do for time off? " he asked "I'm going home next week" I said sounding excited. "That's great, what about this week?"

"Em I don't know hang around with Nath or something, just see how it goes" I said grinning.

"I thought Nath was going home though?" He said.

What? fuck. I dont know what I'm gunna do! I'm not going to my mum. No way!

"Oh" I said and he went back upstairs.

Then Nath walked. Okay Elle play it cool. "Mornin'" he said showing his perfect smile. I'm surprised he never had braces. They're perfect. Fuck! No focus. "Morning" I smiled.

"So I heard you're going home?" I asked. "Yeah for 2 days actually , but eh... I was gunna ask you something" he said. Fuck no. "I want you to come with me" he smiled. "Really? why?" I asked. "Think Elle, it's early please don't have a blonde moment" he joked. Shit. I can't have a blonde moment im not even blonde. "You want me to meet your family?" I said. "Ding ding ding" he smiled. I laughed. "I'd love to!" I said giving him a kiss. "What if they don't like me?" I asked. "Oh don't worry they will"

His phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey mum! yeah she'd love to come I just asked her" he smiled. "Do you want to talk to her?" my face dropped. What if I say something weird or innappropriate? 'No!' I mouthed to him. "Here she is" he said and handed me the phone. I smiled into "hi Mrs.Sykes it's Elle " I said. Fuck. "Oh just call me Karen love". " I heard Nathan just asked you about coming down here" she said. "Yeah you had great timing in calling I'd love to come and meet you" I said. Nathan grinned at me. "I can't wait to meet you, Nathan constantly tells us about you". I smiled. "He's really a great boy" I said. "Thank you love well I'll see you soon it was nice talking to you" , "you too I'll see you soon" I said passing the phone back to Nathan.

I rested my head on the table. I was so embarrassed. "She loves you" he smiled. "Oh my god I sounded so weird!" I moaned. " No you didn't it was lovely" he said leaning towards me. I kissed him.

We started packing. I was getting unbelievably scared. Fucckkk.

When we were done it was time to go! Train time! We got there and fans must have known we were going. They were pulled up outside. Yay. I looked disgusting but I loved them, they are the most amazing people ever. Nathan went down one end and I went to the other so we could meet in the middle and then go.

"Are you and Nath dating?" She asked.

"Yeah we are" I smiled signing her piece of paper. I looked up and saw them all in tears. "Oh my god don't cry! Why are you crying?!" I exclaimed. "Because we love you so much together! You're made for each other!!" She screamed. "Awwh thank you guys!" I said giving them a hug group hug. Me and Nath finally met in the middle. "Are you two really going out?" She asked. "Yep" he said taking my hand. they 'awh' ed. He put his arm around my shoulder and walked off onto the train.

We sat down and he feel asleep. How do you fall asleep on a train? It's constantly moving and rocking side to side.

* Attention passengers we will be stopping at our final destination in 5 mins, please get your luggage ready to exit the train *

I nudged him "Nath?". He moaned and slowly opened his eyes. I smiled, they were so easy to get lost in. "Wakey wakey Mr we have to get the bags ready we're stopping soon" I said rubbing his hair. He moaned and got up.

I was wrecked. I could barely walk. We gave the man all our bags except my handbag and Naths backpack/ school bag thing. I put my stuff in his bag and tripped of the train.

"Shit" I mumbled. "Babe you okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm just tired." I sighed. "Come on take this" he said giving me his bag. I looked at him weirdly and took it and put it on. He turned around "come on jump on" he smiled. "Are you serious?" I said. "Yeah come on" he said. I jumped on his back and leaned my head into his neck. "Thank you" I said kissing his cheek. He smiled back.

We saw fans but sadly weren't able to stop. We could see them taking pictures. Hopefully I looked ok.

We got in the taxi when I started to shake. "Are you cold?" He asked. "No... I'm nervous" I said. "Awwh don't be" he said rubbing my arms to make me warmer.

We got to the house. It was so cute and pretty like mine at home. Nathan took my hand and lead me to the door. He knocked. "Stop you'll be fine love" he said kissing my hand. I must have been shaking again.

The door opened. A blonde woman stood there. It was obviously Karen. "Nathan, welcome home" she said giving him a hug. "Mum this is Elle" he said. "Hi" I smiled. "It's so nice to meet you" she said pulling me into a hug. "Come in come in" she said. We walked in and got into the sitting room where we saw Jess. "Nath!" She said giving him a hug. "Elle it's so nice to meet you" she said giving me a hug. "You too I watch your YouTube videos you are amazing!" I said. "Thank you so much you are too" she said. I smiled.

They were all so nice. Karen made such a nice dinner and we chatted for ages. Karen even showed me baby pictures of Nathan. It was so cute!

We finally said our good nights and I was staying with Nath in his room. He closed the door and I looked around his room. There was a keyboard, posters his bed and wardrobe. It was a normal guys room.

"They love you" he said. "Really?" I smiled. "Of course, I told you there's nothing to worry about" he said pulling me towards him.

He held my cheek and kissed me sweetly and got deeper. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we back towards the bed. He lay me me down on the bed and kissed down my neck. "Nath? Are you sure we should do this? Here?" I whispered. "They'll be fine, just try not be too noisy" he laughed lifting his head.

I was so happy they liked me. Tomorrow we were going around the town and Karen said she has a surprise.

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