Crying Toddlers and 1st gigs

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So this chapter is going to be a bit long but I hope you like it! Please comment and tell me what you think :)

We got a phone call from Jayne saying the we were going to be playing songs from the album in schools. We'd be going to a different school everyday. To be honest I was quite nervous. We had to perform in front of kids and teenagers and dance at the same time. I was shitting myself.

After 2 days of living with the boys we decided we needed a good TV because the one we had was really old with a box on the back. Me, Jay and Tom were the first ones surprisingly up so we went out to get it.

We got to the shop and picked the best one we could find. It was pretty big and not too expensive but we went with it. We bought it at the till and instead of getting Tom to help,Jay carried it to the door when we saw a man with kids coming in . We let them in and Jay took a step forward holding the big TV box across his arms. BANG! A child started whaling crying. We didn't even realise she was there. Jay immediately started apologising "oh god I'm so so sorry are you okay?". She didn't stop crying and just screamed out even more. Her dad came back to get her and told Jay it was fine. We got back to the car and we could still hear her crying. Jay was so ashamed but Tom and I couldn't stop laughing.

*few days later*

I had a great sleep. I was having a nice warm shower when suddenly someone started pounding on the door "Elle hurry up your taking ages!!". I'm pretty sure it was Tom but when I opened the door I saw Nathan standing there. Cool I was just in my towel. "You took your time" he said sarcastically. "Says you" I mumbled.

Suddenly he lifted me up and pinned me against the door. Our faces so close. "Take it back" he said. His breath spread goosebumps all over my neck. "No" I smiled trying to get out of his grasp but he was too strong. "Fine then." He grinned and started tickling me. "Ahhh Nath ... Nathan st.. Stop my towels going to fall down" I said between breaths. I was so ticklish. "Oh no what a shame" before he said. "Sttoppp" I moaned. "Fine, but you owe me". He was grinning his face off. I don't owe him anything feck off haha. I walked into my room and closed the door.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. I could hear Nathan talking to himself but then I realised it was for the WantedWednesday video. I walked up the stairs to see him in tracksuit bottoms and a towel around his shoulders. His hair all over the place. He turned the camera to me. "Hi" I said awkwardly. "Elle seems to be the only one dressed" he joked. "Yeah I am because you all take so bloody long" I said sticking out my tongue. "Well actually I just have to put a top on" he defended" , "as you can seen the youngest members are the most mature" he said putting his around me. He pulled me in tight so our cheeks were touching, the camera still in us. We both grinned like idiots to the camera."What's our ship name?" He asked. "Ethan or Nelle" I smiled. "I like Nelle" he grinned and pulled me close again.

The other boys went out the night before and were absolutely wrecked. I got downstairs to see Max eating porridge. "Awh Max you look so sad" I said. " My throat is killing me" he said dropping his head. I made him a cuppa with honey and lemon and sat down beside him. "Drink this" I said. he nodded and slowly sipped it.

When we were all ready, we got in a bus and headed off to the first school. Jayne filmed us and we started getting really excited and nervous. "Addington High School here we come!" Jayne exclaimed. WHAT?! oh my god your joking. That's where Daniel was training to be a teacher. Fuck sake. I suddenly went quiet. "Babes you alright?" Jayne asked. "You're all quiet". "He works there Jayne , Daniel works there" I said as I began to shake. I didn't know if I was ready to face him again. "Awh Hun you don't have to do this if you don't want to" she said rubbing my arm. I could feel Max's eyes on me. "No I want to do it, I just don't know if I can face him. What if he comes at me? Or what I mess up? Then he'll think I'm a proper mug" I said. The tears were inches away from falling down my face. I started trying to calm myself down by breathing out slowly.

Max dragged me into the bathroom, I couldn't help but start crying. It's like I can tell him anything. "Elle, chick it's okay" he said wiping away my tears. "I'm scared" I whimpered. "I heard you talking to Jayne babe. I know your scared. And if he comes near you we will sure to beat the crap out of him". I laughed. "There's that smile we love"

I smiled more. "Your not going to mess up your going to show him how strong you are with out him" he said pulling me into a hug. "What did the grape say when I trod on it?" He asked. I knew this joke I heard him say it earlier. "Nothing it just let out a little wine" I laughed. He smiled and we walked out.

We got into the school and had some drinks. We started warming up before it was time to go. Luckily I hadn't seen him yet.

It was time to go on stage. Tom started jumping up and down like a child at Christmas. Such a cutie.

We walked on stage. All those eyes staring at us. "Hello everyone we're The Wanted. We're going to be playing a few of our songs and our new single" Tom said. We got a little 'whoop' from as someone in the hall and we started laughing.

It was amazing singing in front of them. Just imagine it being Wembley or something. We were singing ' Say It On the Radio'

If you don't want me why won't you let me goo?

If you don't want me say it on the radioo

It was my turn to sing. That's when I saw him, staring at me. Max winked at me before I let it out.

"Now I've gone and said it all now I'm here out in the open. Don't say another time another place another face"

I sang staring at him. He looked angry but I knew he never loved me. And I was happier with the 5 idiots I called my bandmates. Fuck him.

It was amazing. We were so pumped after it and we all had a group hug. Jayne said she was so proud of us and we headed for the bus.

We were all stepping on when I felt a hand grab my wrist. "You can't leave that easily".

Please comment what you think. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Thank you for all the reads and votes so far aswell! :) x

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