Best Friends and cute presents

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This chapter is dedicated to @im_a_sykes_cat! Hope you like it! Next week will be dedicated to someone else as well so keep reading!

Today I was actually going to school for a day to do some exams. Yay. God I don't know what's it's going to be like. I can't wait to see my friends though. I haven't them seen since the band started especially my bestfriend.

I got up and put my uniform on. Ew. We weren't allowed wear makeup so I just did a French plait in my hair. I put my phone in my pocket and pulled my earphones up my jumper so they could come out the top.

I got downstairs and had my coco pops. Yeah Tom bought me some more. I had my cuppa and went back upstairs to say bye. I went into Nath. He was fast asleep. I kissed his head and he turned around. He suddenly pulled me down. "Nath!" ," cuddle me" he moaned. "I have to go Nath and do my exams I'll be back later" I said getting up. "Good luck" he said giving me a kiss. "Thanks"


There they were. The big black gates. Like a prison. But not really. I walked up the road into the reception where I stopped to sign in and everyone was staring at me. Especially the mean secretary. I smiled and walked upstairs to my locker room.

I got in and everyone went silent. Fuck. Then she came up to me. Carley Woods the most popular girl in my year. "Hey Elle!" she said her voice all high pitched. "Hi" I said opening my locker. "hows the music industry going?" ,"Eh good thanks" ,"your boyfriends really hot" she smiled. No just no. "Ehh he's alright" I joked. "We should hang out sometime". Then she walked off. Hahaha no. Not her. That was the first time she talked to me ever.

I got my books then I heard a familiar scream. "Oh my god" I said getting up. It was my bestfriend in the whole world Lauren. I've known her since I was little. She was the cutest thing, she always helped me up when I was down. I missed her so much.

I grabbed her into a massive hug. "I missed you so much" I said. "Me too!"

We sat down and I told her all about what happened. Even Nathan. "It's so weird Elle's I've seen you magazine was stuff it's weird!" Lauren laughed. I laughed. "and the band is amazing" she said. "Yeah well we're having a party for the number one, I want you to come and meet the boys" I smiled. "Eh yeah!" She said getting excited. "That means we have to go shopping" I said. "Even though I wish we could go in a pair of trackies and a jumper, I'll go shopping and wear something fancy" she smiled.


We finished the exams. It was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Lauren was coming home with me to meet the boys then we would go shopping. We were walking when the paps came up to us then I called Kev to pick us up.

We got to the house and walked in. The boys were in the living room. "I'm back" I shouted. "We don't care" I heard Tom say. "We love each other on the inside" I said to Lauren. She chucked. We walked in. "Haha you're in a uniform you poshy" Max laughed. I rolled my eyes. "This is Lauren my best friend" I said. "Hi Lauren!" Tom said giving her a hug. "Hey Lauren I'm Jay" Jay said giving her another hug. Siva said hey. "Hi Lauren I'm Max" he said shyly. I never saw Max like that before.

I went into the kitchen to see Nathan on his phone. "Heya" he smiled. "Hi". He walked over and gave me a hug. "How did they go?" he asked. "Good I think" I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me.

"Oh Elle I love you" "oh Nathan!" We heard from behind us. Everyone was standing there. We blushed. "Nath this is my best mate Lauren" I said. "Hi" he said giving her a hug. She must have been so chuffed with all the hugs she was getting. "We're going shopping if you want to come" I said. "Yeah anyone else wanna come?" he asked. "Yeah I'll go need something for tonight" Max said smiling at Lauren. Hmmmm....

We were walking through the shops and saw an amazing dress. "Elle that would look amazing on you" Lauren said. We went in and saw another one for her. We both tried them on and took a selfie and posted it on twitter.

We bought the dresses and headed home. Nathan held my hand as we walked through town. "Come with me" he said. "What about Lauren?" I asked. "She'll be fine! Max fancies her they can chat!" He said.

He brought me to a jewellery shop. The fuck? "Ehh Nath? Why are we here?" I said frowning. "Because I want to get you something." He smiled. We walked in and he went up to the man at the desk. "Hi I'm picking up for Nathan Sykes." He said. The man nodded and went to get it. Nath held my waist. The man came back out. He opened it. It was a beautiful charm bracelet with 4 charms on it. One was music notes, one was the infinity sign and the last one had E and N beside each other.

"Nath I love it thank you!" I said kissing him. "I love you" he said. "I love you too".

We got home and Max and Lauren were getting so flirty. We got ready for the party and went down stairs.

We walked into the kitchen where all the boys were. "Wow" I heard as we walked in. Max and Nathan's mouthed dropped. We just giggled. Nathan walked up and kissed me. "You look amazing" he whispered in my ear. "Thank you I'm wearing my bracelet" I said holding it up. "I really love it" I said. "Thank you" I smiled. "Your welcome you deserve it" he said kissing me. Max was chatting up Lauren I could tell.

Everyone got to the house and it was amazing. We music was pounding and everyone was dancing. I went to get a drink when I saw Carley. "Hi Elle!" she screamed. "Hey" I said. Nathan walked up behind me. "Is this your boyfriend?" she asked. "Em yeah sorry why are you here?" I asked. "I thought this would be a good party" she smiled. Ugh. "hi I'm Carley" she said hugging and kissing Nathan on the cheek. "Hi" he said awkwardly.

Me and Nathan were dancing when I went to get a drink. I went through the hall when I saw Max and Lauren making out. I slid past them and let them continue. I got my drink and saw Tom and Kelsey. They were so cute. I went back into the room to see Carley all over Nathan. I just knew it. I walked up to her and she immediately backed off. "Seriously? He's my boyfriend?" I said. "He touched me I didn't do anything!" she shouted. "Yeah right because Nathan is socially awkward and he'd do that when he's in a relationship" I shouted back and she walked over to some other lad. What a slut.

Nathan pulled me close and I kissed him making sure Carley knew he was my boyfriend and only mine.


Next morning

My head was pounding. Ow. I got up and had a shower then went downstairs to see Lauren on the couch. "Lauren get up" I moaned. She slouched. "Ow my head hurts" she said. "I know but last night was amazing" I said. " I can't remember much" she laughed. "Well you kissed Max" I said. She looked shocked. "Oh my god" she said. "Do you like him?" I asked. "Yeah when you and Nathan went off I got to know him he's really nice" she blushed. "He likes you too I know it" I smiled.

I was so happy to have her back.

Then my phone buzzed. It was my mum. "Hey mum" I said. "Hey sweetheart! Can you please come over later? I need to talk to you"

Hope you liked it!! This chapter is dedicated to @im_a_sykes_cat ! Next chapter will be dedicated to another reader who I love as well! Please comment what you think and vote! ~Ellen x

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