Finally together

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I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep thinking about it. Even though I was in Nathan's arms feeling safe I was still scared. Every little noise I heard made me tense.

I got up really early and went down stairs. I made myself a cuppa and sat down to watch TV. Nothing was on. It made me think more about it, they touched me more than once and kept doing it like I was their Barbie doll that couldn't move. I felt the tears rolling down my face.

I couldn't face Jayne today. I could get burst out at her. John told me she said I had to go. If I didn't go this never would have happened.

"Elle?" I turned around to see Max. "Hi" I smiled probably looking all puffing. "I know what happened" he sighed. He pulled me into a hug. "You'll never have to see him again I promise you" he said kissing my temple. "All men think I'm weak Max, first Daniel now John, I bet everyone thinks it" I sighed. "No they don't babe, you're the strongest person I know, you were forced to date that guy and you live with 5 boys who probably drive you demented. Your stronger than the hulk!" He smiled making me smile. "I don't turn green and get angry though" I said. He laughed "that would be really cool though".

We sat in silence before I said "I have a joke". "Gwan what is it?" He smiled. Me and him always told each other the worst jokes. "What do you call a Mexican who can find his car?" I asked. He shrugged and said "no clue". I smiled "Carlos". He laughed . I loved that boys laugh. He was kinda like my brother. They all were. Except for Nathan. Then I'd be dating my brother... Ew. But Max was probably like my closest brother.

I went and had a shower and went back into my room to see Nathan still fast asleep. I went downstairs to dry my hair then came back up. I got dressed and climbed in beside him. "Mornin'" he whispered. I smiled. "There's my favourite smile" he said kissing me. "I got up ages ago" I said. "Why didn't you wake me?" , "it was like 7 and everyone was asleep so I just went and stayed downstairs." He cuddled me closer.

"I don't know if I can tell Jayne Nath, I'm scared he'll come back" I said playing with my fingers. He took them and kissed them. "We have to Elle or else you have to keep fake dating him, and we can't have that, I promised you I'd protect you and I can't when you have to go out with him and not me" he sighed. "Can you tell her with me?" I asked. "Of course I will" he said kissing me.

We got the office. I was shitting myself. I could die. "Hey guys" , "hey" we chorused. "So what's up?". I took a deep breathe. "Last night I went on that date you said I had to go on with John." ,"woah I never said you had a date with John?" She interrupted. Oh my god. I couldn't do it. I let it go and burst out crying. "John told her you said she had to go out with him lastnight" Nathan continued for me. "He brought me to a club and...." , "it's okay " Nath said squeezing my hand. "He ... Touched me and his friends crowded us and tried to as well then I got into the bathroom and did it again. I screamed and told me he would hurt me if I did it again" I sobbed. She looked so shocked. She came over and gave me a huge hug rocking me back and forth. "I'm so sorry, you never have to see him again okay?" she said. "It's okay , thank you" I whispered.

"Well I actually do have good news though" she said. We smiled. She put a magazine down on the table it read

Fans say:

Nathan is better for Elle

'Fans think the band members are truly better for each other. After the couple tried 'giving it a go' they decided it wasn't right. Sources said they were dating but Nathan told paps they were never dating. The fans feel the pair should date as they get on so well being the babies of the band and deep down love each other. Pictures we have also say they are more than just friends. Nathan lifting and spinning Elle around compared to Elle with her boyfriend John. Nelle as you can see seem more intimate then Jelln.

The fans hope Elle will break it off with John and go back to Nathan.

We both just stared at each other. Then at Jayne. "Management gave it the all clear" she said. Those words made me jump! I leaped into Nathan's arms. He almost fell over. "I love you so much" he said between kisses. We're together. Officially. I've never been more happy. We thanked Jayne and got home.

"How about the beach today?" Seev asked. We all agreed. This would be fun.

We got to the beach and put down our towels. I cuddled up beside Nath. He kissed my cheek. "Nath!" I said. "What?" he said sounding shocked. then it hit me. "Oh my god I forgot" I said. We leaned in and kissed each other. I was in the middle of getting a great tan when I felt people grab my legs and feet. It was the boys. "Come on let's go for a swim" Max said. "No no no! Put me down!" I squirmed. "Don't worry your boyfriend will catch ya" he said. My boyfriend. Oh my god. They got into the water. They started swinging me. "You better catch me Sykes" I said. "Don't worry princess I will" he winked.

"1...2...3!!" They screamed. I flew in the air waiting to catched. I hit the water instead. Yep I went fully under. I came back to the surface and wiped my eyes. "You said you'd catch me! " I said to Nathan. They all just laughed. "I'm sorry love" he said doing his puppy face. He pulled me close and wrapped me around him " I love you" he said "I love you too" I smiled and we kissed. It got pretty deep but then Jay shouted. "Hello? We're in public!". We laughed it off and got back on the beach.

We saw the paps and Nathan took my hand. "This is right" he said. "Yeah" I smiled kissing him cheek. We walked along the sand holding hands for a while when we saw an ice cream truck. Hmmmm....

"Do you want something?" He asked. "Can I get a 99 please with strawberry sauce.? " He nodded and stared making them. I went back to Nathan. "How lovely of you to get me one" he laughed. " This is for you" I laughed smushing it into his face. He mouth dropped and I burst out laughing. "That's what you get for not catching me" I laughed. "I'm gunna get you" he said chasing after me.

We got home and were exhausted. I plonked myself down on the couch and Nathan cuddled up beside me. "Thank you for today, I needed it" I said. "Don't thank me we would have done it anyway" he said kissing me. He cuddled up and fell asleep on the couch like the first time.

This probably was the best day ever. So far.

Thanks for reading! I loved writing this! I actually won't be able to update the story as often as I do because I have big exams coming up and I have to study :( I hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment what you think! Vote etc. :) ~Ellen xx

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