You dead bro? OR NA?!

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I wake up to my phone ringing. Ayla isn't back yet. Weird. I answer the call.

"Hi, is this Logan?" The voice on the other line sounded sad, almost as if they had been crying.
"Yup! This is him."
"Well this is Ayla's mother, we've just been informed that she was in a car accident."

Those words hit me like a tornado. My heart sinks. I drop my phone, then proceed to pick it up, throw on my Gucci slippers, and run to the door.

Ayla was in a car accident! Ayla, my Ayla, my sweetheart, the reason I get up in the morning, was in a car accident! I run through the parking garage and to my car. My heart is beating out of my chest. 

I bolt into the emergency room, and head to the counter. Hot tears streaming down my face. "Hello sir, what can I help you with?" The lady at the front desk asks. "I-I," I stuttered, "I need to see Ayla Woodruff! Is-is she okay?!"
"Let me check." The lady looks down at the computer and begins to type. I start to tap my finger on the counter. Why did Ayla have to get in a car accident? Why couldn't it have been me? It's only been a couple seconds, but it feels like it's been hours waiting for the lady at the desk to look up.

"It appears that she just got here, you're gonna have to hold tight until they upload her data." I run my hand down my face, tugging on my skin and wiping my tears. "Ring, ring!" My phone goes off again.

"Hey Logan! Where are you?!" I hear Evan ask.
"I-I'm at the hospital..."
"What?! What happened?"
"It's Ayla... she was in a car accident!"
"Oh I'm so sorry Logan! Is she okay? Will she be okay? Do you want me to come? Should I call Jake?"
"I have know idea if she will be okay yet. And yeah having some support from family and friends would be nice."

Jake (bet u weren't expecting that!)
"Bleep... bleep... bleep"
"Oh my lord Jake shut off your phone!" Erika tells me. "Okay just lemme check it first. You never know when Logan might decide to drop another diss track on me." I drag myself out of bed and to my phone which is plugged in. Ah that light is bright. I shield my eyes for a few seconds. There's Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat notifications. Lots! I slide on one of the ones on twitter.

Jake, Jake! Ayla was in a car accident! It's said that she is at the hospital rn!

What? Ayla in a car accident? No way. I click on another.

Ayla was in a car accident!! I hope she's okay!

Ayla was in a car wreck! Maybe she'll die then Logan can be with Chloe?!

Logan must be devastated! "Ring, ring!" Ugh now I'm getting a call.

"Hey Jake it's me Evan Ayla-"
"I'm on my way! I can pick you up!"

I hang up. "Erika I gotta go! Logan needs me! Call me if you need anything!"

Every time the doors to the back open my heart flip flops. I can't believe Ayla got in a car accident! The door that lead outside open. I look over expecting to see Evan of Jake, but instead I see Chloe.

She runs over to me. "Logan I'm so, so sorry!" she says and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into a tight hug. My heart flip flops. "W-What?" I say through my sniffles, "Why are you here?"
"Logan your girlfriend got into a car accident! I thought you needed a friend," she says. Friends? I didn't know we were friends. We haven't talked since we broke up.

"Are we friends?" I ask pulling away from hug, "We haven't talked since we broke up!"
"Why can't we be friends?"
"Because you hate my girlfriend! Why else?!" I yell at her, people begin to glance over. I hear the door opens again, but I don't care to look over. "Logan, I'm just trying to be nice," she says in a much calmer voice than mine, "I only came here for you."
"Well I don't want you here."

Just then Evan and Jake walk over. Jake gives me a big hug, I cry on his shoulder. No words needed. We sit in the waiting room for hours.

The doors to the back open, a nurse comes out. She walks over to me, Jake, and Evan. My heart begins to pound out of my chest. My eyes widen. "Are you Logan Paul?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"We called Ayla's parents and they told us to tell you that she's... well, she's in a coma..."

oh frick! Ayla is in a coma!! i wonder what Logan will do, especially after that weird encounter with Chloe. oh wait I've already started the next chapter! so I already know! bahaha! you'll have to wait and find see! until next time,
xoxo meg

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