Drunkin Mistake

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10 Hours
Brenden, Alissa, Chantel, and I are now in Alissa's apartment. Chantel is in Alissa's guest room asleep and Brenden, Alissa, and I are in the living room. "IneedtogotalktoAyla," I slur while drinking a cup of water.

"No Logan, you are incredibly drunk," Brenden laughs at me. "I've got to go, but you two better be on your best behavior. And I'm taking both your car keys," Brenden says as he gets up grabs his stuff and walks out the door.

I glance or at Alissa who is looking at me. "It's a shame, what happened between us," She says.

"Ye, you were great. And making Jake mad was great," I agree. For those of you confused, we're talking about how we both got revenge on Jake but hooking up. It was funny.

Alissa scoots closer. I clamp down hard on my lip. Why is this girl so irresistible? I lean in and the make out session starts. Her lips taste like beer, but mine probably do too. What's even going on right now? I should be with Ayla.

That Morning
I wake up and crawl out of Alissa's guest bedroom. I unfortunately can't remember how I got here last night. I remember Ayla cheating on Logan with Jake and then claiming she didn't, and I remember Logan kicking her out, but nothing after that. I walk into Alissa's room to wake her up and see if she remembers, but I don't just see Alissa in her bed. Logan's also there, shirtless, but that's all I can see. I'm assuming that he's missing more clothing than that. I take a quick snap and post it on my Instagram, so Ayla can see it later and figure out how much it hurts to see your significant other with other people. That's what she gets for cheating on Logan.

I wake up and look at the ground. Clothes. Things must've gotten wild last night at the party. I think I'm at Ayla's apartment somehow. I do remember going somewhere with a couple people, but I also remember being mad at Ayla. I roll over to play with her hair, but that's not what I see. It's not Ayla laying next to me. It's Alissa Violet.

What did I do? I quickly jump out of the bed, grab my clothes and my phone then run into the bathroom. I then get dressed and check the time. It's 11:00 o'clock. I need to go talk to Ayla. I need to tell her what I did. I run out of the bathroom and call an Uber with my phone.

I sit at the foot of my bed still an emotional wreck. Jake said Logan knew that I didn't kiss him, so why didn't Logan come for me? Would've I even forgiven him if he did come for me? He didn't believe me when I told him it wasn't what it looked like. But I love this man. I want him to come back. Then again, Logan could've been hooking up with Alissa while I was up tearing myself apart all night.

My phone goes off. It's another text from Jake. I open the text only to see that he sent me a photo. I tap on the image to load it. The picture is just a screen shot of a picture Chantel posted on Instagram. The picture shows Logan and Alissa cuddled up in bed together, naked. My eyes skim down to check the date that this was posted. It was this morning.

I can't get the pain to go away. Why won't it go away. I've moved to the corner of my room and am currently emptying out the beer bottle in my hand. I set down only to have it fall over and break on the small ring that Logan gave me that I threw across my room earlier.

I picked up a chunk of the broken glass in attempts to clean it up only to have it cut my left palm. The cut is small, nothing to be worried about. The pain made me forget about Logan for a second. I stand up and make my way over to my bathroom sink with the glass and the ring. I hear a few knocks at my door as I enter my bathroom, but quickly forget about them due to the power of what I'm about to do.

I hold both my hands over the sink. I then take the glass and begin to widen the cut. My hands, no, my arms trembling uncontrollably. Tears falling down my face, but not from the cut, from Logan. It's not working anymore. The pain isn't going away.

I hear a few more knocks at my door. "Ayla!" I hear the familiar male voice that I love call out. "I know you're here! Let me in," It calls again, but the voice breaks on the last two words. That's the final straw for me. I break down falling on the bathroom floor, blood spewing everywhere. I here my door being unlocked and foot steps running through my apartment.

I then feel the presence of Logan behind me and hear his gasp.

ayo! did u like the second to last chapter?? sorry that I posted this late I didn't even realize what day it was. don't worry there will be a sequel! the sequel will probably come out sometime in late February or sometime in March. be sure to read the last chapter next Friday. until next time,
xoxo meg

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