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One Month Later (after Logan's moved into his house)
I wake up and look at the ground. Clothes. Things must've gotten wild last night at the party. I think I'm at Ayla's apartment somehow. I do remember going somewhere with a couple people, but I also remember being mad at Ayla. I roll over to play with her hair, but that's not what I see. It's not Ayla laying next to me. It's Alissa Violet. (A/N PLOT TWIST MUCH? i wanted it to be someone other than Chloe. r u surprised??)

24 Hours Earlier
I wake up next to Ayla. She crashed at my place last night because we were planning the littest pool party of the year. Everyone who has a name on the internet is going to be here. I begin to play with Ayla's hair. She wakes up, rolls over, and smiles. "Good morning," I say, smiling.

"Do we have to get up today?" She asks. That comment broadens my smile. I want to say here just as much as she does.

"Yes, we've got the party," I tell her. Her face lights up.

"Oh my gosh, how could've I forgotten about that?" Ayla jokes. I stand up and offer a hand to help her up. She happily takes it and we head down to the kitchen. I glance over at the clock on the microwave and see that it's already 11.

"We slept really late," I tell Ayla.

"No joke," she replies giggling. "The DJ will be here in an hour to start setting up," She then adds.

"Aren't you and some of the other girls going shopping for swimsuits today?" I ask. It seems that a light goes off inside her head. I laugh.

"Crap!" She exclaims, "I've gotta go get ready. I'll see you later tonight, bye!" She yells as she grabs her keys off the counter and runs out the front door.

After I get back to the city I head to my apartment where I take a shower, put on some causal clothes, and do my makeup. When I'm finally done getting ready I hear my doorbell ring. I jump up from my vanity to answer the door. When I open it I'm met with Alissa Violet. This may come as a surprise to some of you, but throughout the entire Jake and Alissa drama thing I was able to stay friends with both of them. Alissa and I still talk quite a lot. Her and Logan are still friends behind the camera too.

"CAN I GET A HOYAH?!" She screams.

"HOYAH!" I yell before we both burst into a fit of laughter and hug.

"It seems that I haven't seen you since Jake kicked me out," she complained after we stopped hugging.

"I know right! It's been way too long," I agree with her. "Chantel said she would meet us at the mall at 1 one so we should get going," I add as we run down the hallway and get into my car.

We get to the mall and hit our usual stores and we each get a swimsuit for tonight. After that we decide to head to the food court. After we sit down I decide to tell Alissa and Chantel that Jake is going to be at the party tonight.

"Hey guys," I say, "You probably already assumed this, but Jake is going to be at the party tonight."

Alissa just looks at me. Her face looks like she's just heard news that she's been dreading. Like a sick relative died. "Yeah I assumed that he would be there, but I still had hope that he wouldn't," She finally managed to say.

I then looked over at Chantel. She just shrugged like it wasn't that big of a deal to her. Which it wasn't. She wasn't repeatedly hurt by Jake.

I'm a little afraid of Jake, Logan, and Alissa hanging out together again. When Jake and Alissa broke up Jake and Logan didn't talk for a long time. And there was the whole thing with the second verse and Logan almost kissing Alissa. That put a strain on Jake and Logan's relationship. Now having Jake's ex at his party... I'm scared to see how Jake's going to react. Even though Jake has no right to be mad because Jake is the one that hurt Alissa. All Alissa did was hookup with some guy that Jake was close with, still not sure who, when they weren't together.

oooh, r u ready for the juicy drama in the next chapter? i don't think i am! hope y'all enjoyed. tell me in the comments what you think is going to happen. i think even after you guys read the sneak I'll still have a few twists that you won't be expecting. until next time,
xoxo meg

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