The Party Part 1

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18 Hours
"What are you boys doing?" Alissa groans. "You should be setting up!" She complains,

"Coming from the ones who have been shopping all day," Logan teases.

"No," Jake starts and looks me in the eyes, "telling." My heart rate picks up. Did he just say that? Am I going insane.

"What?" Logan asks glaring at Jake. Okay good, I'm not going insane. Logan heard that too.

"Oops," Jake smiles, "I meant to say no kidding." Lies. All Jake does is lie.

Logan starts to clap. "That's my brother, Jake Paul," He jokes. Little does he know Jake didn't mess up in his words.

We all headed out side to finish hanging lights. While I'm trying to get some of the pins sorted out I feel two masculine arms wrap around me. "Logannn," I complain dragging out the 'n.'

"Yeah?" He asks resting his chin on the top of my head.

"The party is in a few hours and we still have to set up. Not to mention I still have to get ready," I tell him while turning around and placing my arms around his neck. I stand on my tippy toes in attempts to kiss him. He closes his eyes slowly leans down, but before he kisses me I duck and run to my right into the grass. I continue running and hide behind the big tree.

I warily peer around the edge of the tree to see if Logan's noticed. He hasn't. Just then he trips slightly forward and opens his eyes. He quickly straightens up and looks around. He then makes eye contact with me and goofily smiles. I lean on the tree laughing.

He then takes the long way around the tree and begins to tickle me. "L-L-Logan," I manage to say I'm between my giggles and gasps for air, "s-stawwwp!"

"Okay," he smirks and picks me up. He runs he over to the pool and acts as if he's going to throw me in.

"Logan I swear! If you throw me in," I start, but he holds me further over the pool. I squeal. "I have to get ready," I complain clinging to him.

"Oh fine. But next time I'm throwing you in," He warns and sets me down. I hit his arm and run off before he can catch me.

"Save it for the bed room!" Jake yells causing my face to become bright red.

"Come on!" I yell at Alissa and Chantel as we head up to Logan's room to get ready in his massive closet and bathroom.

After we finish getting ready we headed downstairs. People slowly started arriving. Then we checked out side to make sure Logan and Jake didn't break anything. Luckily they didn't. That was a nice surprise. The drink table was set up perfectly and so was the DJ. We had a photo booth and hanging fairy lights. This party was going to be sick!

When everyone finally was there it was around 10. Logan came around to me. It seemed like he had something important to tell me.

ayo!! i wonder what Logan's going to ask her... maybe Jake showed him the video? maybe he's propos- no! definitely not that! tooooooo soooon! tell me what you think is going to happen in the comments! sorry for the short chapters!! until next time,
xoxo meg

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