India Gate.

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Next day.

(Y/N point of view.)

"Y/N!" your best friend knocks your door.

You were sleeping before your evil best friend comes knocking to your home. And knowing your mom, obviously she had allowed your best friend in. Now your best friend is knocking the door of your room so hard that it might break any moment.

"Urgh!! Stop it (best friend's name)!" you shout as you turning the other side of your bed and cover your ears with your pillow.

Its 7:30 for gods sake. That to its Sunday and the first day of your summer vacation.

Who in the world wakes up this early?

Only your best friend would. 

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!! Lets go out!!" she shouts as she knocks again. Hard.

"Let me sleep, its sunday!!" you shout back.

"You better wake up now girl, otherwise your door's gonna go down!" your best friend warns.

And knowing how crazy and true to her words your friend is you decided its wise enough to wake up now.

"I am up! Now stop breaking my door!" you shout as you throw your blankets aside and get up.

"Now that's my girl." you could picture the devilish smile on her face. 

You walk up to the door like a zombie and open it to see your best friend standing and smiling evilly. 

"I hate you." you say as you let her in and leave to freshen up.

~~~~ Few minutes later ( 2 hours approximately)~~~~~

"Where are we going?" you asked again. This might be the 4th time that you have asked the question since you left your house.

"Oh you will see. Just wait." Your best friend says. Again.

You could only give her an annoyed look and turn your head to look out of the car window.

Soon you could see a familiar road ahead.

"What are we doing at the India Gate?" you ask and your best friend could only give smile.

(BTS point of view)

"This is the India Gate." Mr. Verma says as the boys take photos from their cams and phones.

"Its really beautiful" Jimin says as he takes more photos from his phone.

Meanwhile, the youngest member wanders off with his SLR. He was looking around when his eyes fell on a group of kids playing.

He goes near them but far enough to not catch their attention, and takes their photos. He smiles satisfied when he sees the photo he captured.

"Jungkook-ah, come here, we are heading to some other place." Suga calls.

As Jungkook starts to walk back to his hyungs he suddenly walks in to someone.

The person after running into him falls on the ground.

"Ah~~" the person cries. The person was a female.

"Oh, I am sorry! Are you alright?" Jungkook says as he offers his hand to the girl.

The girl rubs her head and then grabs the offered hand.

The maknae pulls her up and asks again, "Are you okay?"

The girl looks up at him and was about to say something when-

"Jungkook, gwenchana?" Hoseok hyung shouts as the other members come near them.

The girl looks at the now seven boys who where surrounding her. Her eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks. The boys were getting worried about the girl's behavior.

"B-B-BTS" was the only thing the girl said before she fell down on ground, unconscious.


Annyeong ARMY!!

This is for today. Sorry I couldn't upload more chapters but I promise to upload as early as possible.

Finally the lead meets BTS... but she faints.... hehehe sorry about that though ( i think i would react this way if i ever get to meet them.) :P

Hope you liked this chapter and please feel free to leave in your comments, it will help me to write better.

Thanks for bearing with me.


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