2 Weeks Later.

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2 weeks later.

"Summer break!!" You and your bestfriend shouted in excitement as both of you walked out of the college campus, hand-in-hand.

Today was your last exam, and from now your 2 month summer break starts. 

Finally its time to watch all your favorite kpop  videos without your mother constantly reminding you to study.

You could now finally spend your whole time with BTS, 24/7 without any interruption. You couldn't wait anymore to reach home.

"Y/N lets go somewhere this vacation." your friend says excitedly.

"Where?" you ask.

"What about a girls trip to Goa?" you could see your friend already planning the whole trip in her head.

"Thats never going to happen." you say.

"Why are you being so negative?" your friend was disappointed at your lack of enthusiasm.

"I am not being negative. Our plan wouldn't work out. Do you remember how many Goa trips we had planned since we were 15?" 

The look on your friend's face showed that your words got to her and you continued, "Yes, so lets stay here in Delhi and enjoy the summer, shall we?"

"It will be more like you watching everything which has BTS in it." your friend deadpanned.

"Oh, you really are my best friend aren't you? You listen to their songs to but how come you didn't fall for their charms?" you ask childishly.

"I can't deny that I like their singing and dancing but there is where I draw my line, I can't follow them on every social website I get my hands on." your best friend explained.

"But you know, you should know their personality, they are not like other celebs..." 

"they are really hard working and have lots of love for their fans." your friend continued for you.

You nod your head. 

"I like listening to K-pop and its because of you, maybe someday I might fan following some band just like you." you and your best friend laugh at that. 

And you both continue to your way home.


Incheon International Airport, South Korea.

This may be is their first time in a long while walking through the huge airport without being noticed by anybody. BigHit really keeps up its disguising game high. And true to Mr. Bang's word not even a fly got to know about the secret journey of the boys.

The seven boys stood before the check-in point. Mr. Bang and few managers were accompanying them. 

Mr. Bang handed each member their boarding tickets.

The boys went through the ticket details and at once looked up at their CEO.

"India!" they all said at once.

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