The talks.

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"How did they manage to get a mini bus?" Your best friend asked looking at the 12 seater mini bus.

"No idea." You said as both of you entered the mini bus.

It was almost 8 in the morning. The boys along with Mr. Verma, their guide, came a few minutes back to pick you and your friend up.

As you entered the boys cheered energetically. "Hey Y/N!"

"Hey guys!" you greeted them back.

"Come sit with me." and instantly you find yourself sitting near the window and the seat beside you occupied by a very happy Taetae.

"Ya!" The consecutive shout of Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok made you jump in shock.

"Taehyungie that's cheating! You can't sit with Y/N, I wanted to sit with her." Jimin complained.

"But I am sitting with her now." Taehyung teased Jimin.

Jimin looked angry as he sat on back of the bus. 

"He stole my seat. Kim Taehyung is a thief." He mumbled to a sleeping Yoongi.

You could only blink in amazement.

Being a hardcore BTS stan you have watched all of their videos. Starting from their run episodes to their hilarious dub-smashes. You knew they would be childish around each other and would constantly pull pranks. But actually seeing them behave like little kids, you never felt luckier.

"BF/N! Come sit with me." Jin called suddenly.

You look up and see your bestfriend standing, uncomfortable.

You look at her, apologetic. But she smiles reassuringly at you as she makes her way to sit beside Jin. You felt sorry for your best friend as she was being stuck with you. And you knew that she didn't know much about the boys. It was understandable that she would feel left out at times. But you wanted her to enjoy as much as you did in the boys company. You wanted her to be comfortable. 

Soon the bus driver started driving the vehicle. 

"You don't feel forced coming with us. Do you?" Taehyung asked all of a sudden.

You were bewildered with the question.

"No. Not at all. Why would you ask that?" you ask in concern.

"Oh.. that's a relief. I thought maybe you felt compelled to come with us. It was us who basically asked you and your friend all of a sudden to come along with us."

"It's not a problem Taehyung-ssi. We wanted to come therefore we accompanied you. And it's not everyday that you get to spend time with your favorite group." you said. Taehyung laughed at your last sentence.

"Please don't be formal, I would like us to be very good friends." Taehyung said with a smile. A smile that suddenly made your heart beat go crazy. A smile that suddenly made everything fade away, leaving only you and the person smiling.

Before this day, you could only catch a glimpse of that smile in Youtube videos. 

You could not help but smile back

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You could not help but smile back. 

"Yes. I would like that too." you say.

"I only wish my friend also has a good time with you guys." you say wishfully.

"Don't worry about that. She will open up to us. We are the BTS after all. No one can resist our charms for long."

You couldn't help but laugh at that. Taehyung laughing along with you.

"It's something that Suga would most likely say." you manage to say in between in your laugh.

"What are those two laughing so much about?" Namjoon wonders aloud, as the rest of the BTS and your friend sees you and Taehyung suddenly laughing about something.

"Ya, what are you laughing about?" Jin asks.

You both stop laughing and look at the others. Both of you shake your head no.

"Now they are not even telling what they are talking about." Jimin sulked from behind.

"Jimin hyung don't be sad that Y/N noona didn't see you because of your height." Jungkook, the evil maknae teased.

"Jeon Jungkook!! Stop making fun of my height!" Poor Jimin cried in frustration.

The hyung line laughed at that.

Your best friend could only look at the two maknae in confusion. She didn't understand what was going on. They were talking in Korean and she could not understand a bit.

"BF/N, it's ok don't bother about them. They always behave like that." Namjoon says as he turns back to face her and Jin. 

Your best friend nods. 

"We hope you are not feeling uncomfortable." Namjoon says.

"No, no. I am fine." She says giving a nervous smile.

"It's ok, we understand it's difficult for you as you can't understand the language." Namjoon says.

Your friend smiles nervously at that.

"Yeah, it is. But I can see you people are really nice. I am happy that Y/N is happy to meet you guys." she says.

"Hehe, thank you about that. And we are also happy to meet Y/N and also you." 

"Be comfortable." Jin says in English.

Your friend smiles at that as she finds it cute for Jin and as well as Namjoon who are trying to make her comfortable.

"Yes I will." she says with a smile.

~~~~~~~4 hours later~~~~~

"We reached the destination!" Mr. Verma announces as the bus comes to a stop.

You open your eyes. You feel something soft yet firm on your side. You realise you slept in middle of the journey. You try to close your eyes again. But you feel something moving. You look at your side, you realize you slept on somebody.

You sit up straight in shock.

You look at the person you dozed off on.


The pretty little CGV, who was looking at you cutely and smiling at you.

You were screaming internally with embarrassment.

You wanted to dig up a hole and stay in it until forever.

"Come lets go." Taehyung says softly as he gets up from his seat.

You nod and get up.

You follow others out of the bus.

"Welcome to Agra." Mr. Verma says.



I am really sorry for the very very late update! I am having exams right now and I HATE COLLEGE!!!! T.T

Next chapter will be updated as soon as my exams will finish. Please please bear with me.

I hope you like this chapter. I tried writing a little bit of conversations between the boys and Y/N. I hope I did well. 

Please read and review.

Saranghe! <3 

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