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Lia had been working for about a week and a half now and everyone loved her. Curt loved her. My parents loved her. My cousins loved her. The customers loved her.

In a matter of days she managed to brighten the restaurant, improve recipes, and become part of my family. My aunts kissed her on the cheek. My mom gave her hugs every time she saw her and my dad gave her an approving nod. She fit in so much it was hard to imagine a life without her.

"We had a spill at table 107 but I cleaned it up. The kid whose cup knocked over so upset I just had to give him some candy. And I gave the family the drink free. So here's four dollars for that," Lia said, fishing a couple dollars out of her pocket. "I don't really know the policy on giving stuff out free so I just decided to pay you back."

I glanced at her sitting on the counter and shook my head. "It's fine. Keep it," I laughed.

I normally kept my looks at Lia to a minimum. I don't know why, it just felt necessary.

Curt told me that they were out for drinks one night and he was trying to flirt and all she could talk about was me. I smirked, recalling the way Curt imitated her voice.

"What's funny?"

Trying so hard not to look at Lia, who was now over my shoulder, arms around me, I shrugged. "Nothing. Just thinking."

Through the corner of my eye, I could see the way her face scrunched up.

"Ok well... I like jokes too," she pouted. "But whatever."

She started to pull away but I grabbed her wrists. "We still on for tonight," I asked in a low tone.

There was no one else in the restaurant since we weren't open yet. And Lia always came early. At first it was a mistake but then it became a regular thing. I always enjoyed a few extra moments of quiet with her before opening up.

"Of course," she responded equally as quiet.

I could feel her tense a little and I turned around in my chair to face her. "Lia, it's just dinner. Curt will be there. Relax, ma." My voice was dripping with humor.

"I know," she rolled her eyes but swallowed hard. "This past week has been great, Cam. Seriously. The staff is so nice to me. You're so nice to me. I just don't want to ruin it, you know? Sometimes I feel like I smile too much or something. And my face gets all squished up when I smile. And I'm nervous about tonight. You're taking me to a fancy resturaunt--"

"A fancy resturaunt that I own," I interrupted.

"Yeah there's that too. I feel like I'm wasting you time. You could be having dinner with any other girl out there but you chose to spend the night with me," she rambled.

Sighing deeply, I pulled Lia into my lap.

My first mistake.

"Look. You're beautiful, ok? And for the record, I prefer Squished Up Lia. I'm lucky to have you work for me and to be taking you to dinner. You aren't wasting my time. I was the one that invited you out, remember? So chill out and enjoy tonight. My treat."

And I wasn't lying when I said she was beautiful. Because she most definetly was. Her hair was pulled up into bun, as it always was, and her face seemed to glow. For a moment I could get lost in her eyes, which were a silver color today. Aside from that, Lia was the kind of thick that no guy could ignore. She probably had guys lining up to take her out, which made me wonder how long it would be before she put me in my place.

A blush spread across her face and her eyes did the thing where they get lighter. "You're so goofy," she giggled, playfully pushing my face before getting really serious. "You're probably gonna think I'm lame for this but I hate drinking. I didn't know how to tell you without seeming lame but I hate it. It's nasty and I always feel dizzy. So alcohol issa no."

I grinned at her. "Fine then. If you're not drinking, I'm not drinking. It's only fair. Curt will be drinking though. It's one of the few times his baby mama lets him go out so he's gonna be soaking up every minute of it."

We both started laughing really hard and was enjoying the moment until my phone started to buzz.

"You should probably get that," she said, biting her lip as she read the name that was on the screen. She got up and started to leave the room, only glancing back at me once.

I was taking in the sight of Lia when a voice interupted my slightly impure thoughts.

"Hello? Cameron?"

"Yeah? What's good with you," I coughed, having to look at the phone to see who I was talking to again.

"I just wanted to hear your voice. It's been a few days since I've seen you and stuff," Eden said softly.

"You good, bae?"

I heard her exhale deeply through the phone. "Mmhm, just feeling a lil sick or something."

To be completly honest, I had forgotten about Eden. With hiring a new person and everything, I was busy at work and whenever I called her, the phone went to voicemail. In between sneaking looks at Lia and trying really hard to think holy thoughts, Eden had been put on the back burner.

Feeling really bad now, I put her on speaker phone and rubbed my face, trying to focus my thoughts. "It's cause of work, isn't it? See Mama Cam knows all," I joked, imitating a mom. "Nah but seriously, it's probably because you're stressed. You've been working late every night and we haven't been hanging out a lot. Maybe you need a day off or something... I'll come over on my lunch break. I'll get some tea going and maybe even give you a massage. If I feel like it. Now get some rest, baby. Ok?"

Her breathing had gotten heavier. "Mmhm..."

I could hear her drifting off to sleep and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Love you, Eden."

She mumbled it back and then I hung up, sighing deeply.

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