Author's Note

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Hey, peeps! Okay. Well, I will be writing slow updates for this story. & I have a huge announcement!! Lara will now be my co- writer for this story because she inspired so many chapters. Follow her @lara1216 and read her amazing stories. Also, I might ask @jamielovesanimals to pick out songs for the chapters. (Jam if you're interested let me know by commenting or PM me.) I'm considering writing a new story called "Behind The Mask" a story about a girl named Norison that after years of being the kid everyone pushes around she becomes Narisa the brave, free spirited, confident and newly popular, girl. But, she has a problem. Her geeky, invisible ways haven't completely changed and Nori isn't completely gone. With both sides competing, can she hide her geeky side, and her families ancient powers? You can find out if I decide to write that story. Later, people!


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