1. I hate Mondays...

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 I would like to state that I don't own 'Harry Potter' or any of the characters, this is simply for fun and nothing more! 

Also, this is my first time doing this so don't judge and feel free to comment what you like don't like and think I could make better! Thank you! 


"Harry wake up!" Ron screams at his best friend for what seems like the hundredth time. As he digs through Harry's things trying to find his school robes.

"But 'm so sleepy." Harry mumbles into his pillow still half asleep.

"We're late for potions!" Ron screams throwing some of Harry's school robes at him. Suddenly the reality of the situation dawned on Harry and he lept to his feet hurriedly getting dressed.  

Once Harry was dressed he ran as fast as he could out of the gryffindor common room, Ron running behind him.

Harry ran into the potions classroom, trying to be as quick and quiet as possible, but just as he was trying to run his way through two desks he smacked into one and fell onto the ground. He cursed and rubbed the spot were the desk hit him, then he looked up.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The cauldron rocking and tipping towards Harry causing the slivery blue contents to spill all over him. 

Then Harry felt himself begin to shrink. Harry panicked and someone screamed then it all went black.

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