7. Growing up

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Disclaimer: owning Harry Potter I donut. Nor shall I ever.

Hope you like my story so far! I will update when I can! 

Also dis  picture is NOT mine.


This chapter has mention of abuse, and rape. So don't read it if you don't wanna. It is only a brief mention with a few gasps here and there, but I thought I would warn you before hand!

I love you all! 💚 


Draco POV

I quickly rushed Harry to the hospital wing. When I got there I yelled for Madem Pomphry and layer Harry on a bed. Pomphry came running.

"Draco?! What happened?" She looks on the bed and quickly starts casting diagnostic spells. 

"I don't know one minute he was fine and the next his eyes rolled back he was crying and then he screamed and passed out!" She nodded still looking Harry over. Then after what seems like hours she steps back and sighs a very sad look on her face.

" this is an effect of the potion, he has grown and has more damage to his body then before." 

"How old is he now?! What kind of damage?!" I was freaking out. Who hurt my harry?!

" He is 5. And the damage is, well..." She pauses.

~ 3rd person/ omnipotent! ~ 

Madam Pomphry pauses. She doesn't know if she should tell Draco or not. 

"what is it?" Draco asks in a strained voice. Madam Pomphry looks sadly at Harry. The Harry Potter defeter of he who must not be named had to go through unspeakable things.

"Well draco, harry has," she pauses looking up at Draco. "He's been raped." She says softly on the verge of tears. Draco gasps. Who would do such things to a five year old?

" who would do that to him? He's only five." Draco asks his voice tight.

"I don't know Draco, " she takes a ragged breath. "But whoever did needs to pay."

~timmy wimmy skip!~

Draco stayed with harry in the hospital wing. Draco couldn't help but think, if Harry knew that he knew that this happened. Harry would hate him. He petted the boys head moving his hair off his forehead and running his thumb over Harry's scar. Without thinking he leans forward and gently presses his lips to it.  

He pets Harry's hair again. Harry has turned into his little brother or his own child but the more time Draco spent with little Harry the more he missed the big one.

~skips in time! Cuz I'm mean!~ 

Draco had fallen asleep in the hospital wing. When the sun rose he began to stir and he opened his eyes. He sat up and yawned rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

Harry who was asleep sat up and rubbed his eyes to. He looked up at Draco and smiled. Draco's Hair is a mess! Harry reaches a hand out and touches a part that is sticking straight up.

Draco who was looking at the ground at the time was surprised and looked up quickly. He smiled when he saw it was just Harry.

"Good morning Darling, how are you feeling?" He said smiling.

"I feel great!" Harry said as he jumped out of the bed. Draco stands up laughing. 

"Shall we get breakfast then?" Asks Draco as he hands Harry some clothes to change into. (A green tee and jeans with a pair of black shoes provided by madam Pomphry) 

Harry quickly changes and takes Draco's hand. 

"Let's go!" He shouts and he and Draco walk to the great hall.  


Draco and Harry enter the hall and Harry walks straight for Gryfindor table. Draco cringes internally (also a little on the outside to.) And fallows. When he gets over there Harry is on Hermione's lap with a plate of food infront of him. 

"Draco! Come on!" Harry shouts at the reluctant Slytherin. Draco unhappily sits on the other side of the table across from Harry.

"Hello Malfoy." Hermione and Ron greeted him at the same time. 

"Sorry Harry doesn't sit were you wanna sit." Ron says. Looking apologetic.

"Harry you look all grown up!" Hermione coos at Harry who is laughing because Hermione is tickling him.

"I- I am g-g-grown up!" He laughs.

Draco sighs. Harry really is growing up, but Draco wanted the Harry that was his age. Not the small one. 

All Draco wants is for Harry to he normal again.


What up!

Sorry if you got emotions because of this chapter... I didn't mean to make you feel if you didn't want to.

Also yes it was needed. So don't hate me please!

I love you all!💚


*rides motorcycle into sunset* 

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