15. Confessions of the heart

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Hello! Sorry about the lack of updates! I found a really good series and I got so caught up in reading I forgot to write!

Enough with the useless talk!

On with the story!


Draco looked down at Harry with shock. How was he going to answer that question? He'd been dreading it since day one. And now that its here, Draco has no clue what to do.

"Draco?" Harry asked worriedly.

"I-um... Harry, your older self and me we-uh we had some fights and we kind of-uh hated each other." 

Harrys face feel and he looked like he would cry. 

"When I turn back will we go back to fighting and hating each other?" Harry asked looking hopefully up at Draco.

"I hope not. But that's up to you my little snake." Draco said. Draco suddenly realized. The common room door was open! Everyone had heard there conversation!

"Awww! Dwaco wuvs wittle hawwy!" Pansy says smiling at the two boys. Who were now both bright red.

The whole room started laughing.

Harry, recovering quickly ran over to Pansy and huged her. 

"Hi Pansy!" He said. His voice muffled because of his head being squished into Pansy.

"Hia  Harry!" She responded. She looks up from harry to Draco and sighs.

"Draco. It will be OK." She says to him. Draco nods and gracefully plops onto a chair.

Harry climbs off of Pansy and walks over to Draco. He climbs into the chair and sits on Draco's lap.

"I love you Draco." Harry says hugging the blonde.

"I love you to Harry." He responds hugging the small boy back. 

Harry had no clue that that I love you had so much more meaning, and Draco thinks he never will.

Harry pulls away from the hug and kisses Draco on his nose.

"I hope we stay together once I'm older." Harry mumbles at Draco.

"Me to Harry me to." The whole commons bursts into applause and 'awwws' both Draco and Harry blush a deep crimson. They had forgotten they weren't the only ones there!

"Looks like I have no Chance with my dear Draco." Blasie says sadly smirking at Draco.

"Oh shut it Blasie!" Draco says jokingly. Trowing a pillow at his friends face.

" hey! That's no way to treat your future best man!" Blasie says faking hurt.

" future best man?" Draco squeaks

"At your wedding." Blasie says blandly.

"Who am I mar-" draco was cut off by Harry who said.

" I'm gonna ask you to marry me one day!" 

Draco blushes, and smiles. Little Harry has no clue how much he wants that to be a thing. 

"Well there you have it Draco. If Potter says its true its true!" Blasie says breaking the silence.

" when are you gonna ask him to marry you Hard?" Asks Pansy.

"As soon as I'm back to normal!" Harry says happily. "I remember some of the things that happened when I was older..." Harry trails off and looks at the ground.

"Like what Harry?" Asks Draco concerned.

" like how you have scares on your cheat cuz I used a bad spell on you, and that I met you at a robe shop, and my best friends are Ron and Hermione. Hermione punched you in the face. And that in first year I wanted to shake your hand but didn't because I knew if I did I'd never wanna let go again." Harry was crying now tears streaming down his face.

Draco takes a shaky breath in.

"I'm sorry Draco!" Harry says. Climbing off him and immediately sinking to the floor.

The Slytherin commons cleared out because they know how to give privacy. Leaving Draco Harry Blasie and Pansy alone.

"Harry-" draco starts.

" don't Draco! It is my fault! I hurt you! And I feel bad and my heart aches for you ever since first year! I tell you I love you and Ian tell you don't believe me! But Draco I love you! You blond haired silver eyed prat! So accept it!"

Draco was crying along with both Blasie and Pansy.

"I told y-you Draco!" Sobbed Pansy.

"We told you he loves you w-why didn't you listen!" Blasie said threw tears. 

Draco was silently crying. He stared at Harry who's emerald green eyes though had tears had a fire blazing in them.

Draco loves this boy with all of his heart.


Hello my darlings! I have updated!

You may celebrate!

I love you all!💚


* crosses arms over chest and falls backwards out of a window* 

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