11. Bedtime

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Hello! Here's another update! 

I donut own Harry Potter,JK Rowling does! 

I love you all!💚


On wardz! To the chapter!


Draco (to his relief) made it through the rest of his classes without a hitch. He was exahsted watching  a wee Potter is not an easy feat. He was happy when dinner came and he could go to the great Hall for some food. Draco walked quickly towards the Slytherin table. Plopping gracefully into his spot.

" someone looks a little hot and bothered." Blaise says with a chuckle. 

"I'm not in the mood for your antics right now Blaise." Draco snaps, before he gets some mashed potatoes for Harry.

"Yeesh! Touchy!" Blaise says grimacing. Draco humph and turns towards Harry. He didn't say one word to Blaise until they were walking back to the Slytherin commons. 

"So why are you so mad Draco?" Blaise asks. Concern coloring his voice. 

"It's the teachers. They all wanna hold Harry all the time..." Draco rants about teachers and how 'His father will here about this if they don't stop touching Harry.

Just as they were about to walk into the commons Draco slips up.

"... Harry is mine! " Draco half way shouts. Everyone looks at Draco some wide eyed and others nonplussed. Draco blushes a deep crimson and darts up to his room with Harry in his arms. 


"Draco," Harry whisper to him. "Am I really yours?" He asks. Draco doesn't answer and carry Harry to the bathroom.

" your mine to Draco." Harry whispers as Draco turns on the bath. 

Draco hears him and smiles. Dracos Harry. Harrys Draco. 

The bath was soon full and Draco put Harry in it. Harry splashed in the water. Draco laughed with Harry as he washed him.

When he was clean Draco took him Out and wrapped him is a fluffy and towel,and carried him back into the room. Draco out Harry in a some footy pajamas with snitches on them and tried to brush his hair.(which didn't work)

" it's time for bed!" Draco announces once, he himself had put on PJs.

Draco placed Harry in the toddle bed next to his own. Draco tucks Harry in and kisses his forehead. 

"Goodnight Harry." Draco says nuzzling Harry's nose. 

"Goodnight Daco," Harry whispers. Draco turns around and climbs into his bed. "I love you." Harry mumbles sleepily. Draco smiles and lays down.

"I love you to Harry." And they both fell asleep.


Hello! I hope you like my chapter! 

I love you all!💚


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