13. Snape

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Hello loves! Here's an update!

sorry for the not so regular updates I do it when I can!

Now I will stop my long boring conversation.

on with the story!!! 


Harry and Draco Finnish up their breakfast and get up from the table. Draco starts to walk towards the doors when a small hand grabs his own.

"Lets walk together." Harry says looking forward. 

"Ok Harry." Draco smiles down a him. The two boys walk until of the hall hand in hand. 

They walk in comfortable silence until they get to Snapes room and Harry sucks in a breath. 

"You ready Harry?" Draco asks him.

"As I'll ever be, I mean is is only Snape." He says smiling up at Draco nervously.

"Okay then. Let's go." Draco opens the door and pulls Harry in behind him.

"Uncle Sev." Draco greeted Snape who looked up from his work to see who has so rudely interrupted him.

He sighs " Draco. What is it?" Draco moves Harry infront of himself.

"It's Harry sir. He's growing rather fast." Severus moves out from behind his desk and glides over to them. 

" the antidote for the potions effect will be done by the end of the week," snape says look at Harry. " I suggest that you and Harry skip classes for this week," he looks up sadly at Draco. "So that you can say good bye." 

Severus was the only person other than his friends that knows about Dracos "little" crush.  Draco looks down at the ground and nods.

He mumbles a good by to his godfather, and walks hand in hand with Harry out of the room. Leaving Snape with a sad look on his face staring at the door they had just walked out of.

Snape walked slowly back to his desk thinking. ' if Potter dare break Dracos heart when he turns back I swear I will use his organs in my potions' 


Sorry the update took so long! 

7.1k views! I didn't think anyone would read this and I was gonna do something for just one view but I'm really happy people are reading my stuff! 

I love you all! 💚 


*back flips off a roof* 

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