18. A collision with fate

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Hello my darlings!

I have nothing to say today...
Well this is awkward...

We're going to talk about Blasie's life...
*Cough* Neville *cough*

Ummmm... Bye?


~lets fallow Blasie!!!~

Blasie, who had just cried his eyes out with his best friend, over Harry Potter. Was walking down the halls of Hogwarts sniffing, he didn't know where he was going all he knew was that he needed to calm down. As he was now, he could breakdown and cry of the smallest thing.

So yeah he was walking. Walking and thinking. A dangerous combination because after a few minutes of walk and him being lost in thought he collided with someone.

The person fell to the floor and papers, quills, and a few books flew everywhere.

"Ouch!" A oddly familiar voice said from the ground.

"Sorry." Blasie said reaching his hand down to the person. He finally looked at the person's face and was surprised to see none other than Neville Longbottom.
"N-Neville!?" Blasie said freaking out. Neville took his hand, and smiled.


~Neville's POV~

Merlin's beard! I ran into Blasie zabini!
You know that one person I try to avoid because I may or may not have a crush on.

You should tell him

I can't

You should

Go away

I'll be back. Tell him.


I take his hand and smile.

"Blasie." He blushes.

Awww! So cute!

"I was looking for you. I have something to tell you." He says looking down, still blushing.

"I-I actually have something to tell you to." He looks up at me curiosity in his eyes.

"Well you go first then." He says, as we pick up my fallen items.

"Well..." I pause as he hands me my things. Blushing I look down. "I'vehadacrushonyousincesecondyear." I blurt out. Blushing hard.


I know it was short but I got ideas and I had to...



*Rides bike off a 20 story building's roof*

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