16: What friends are for

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Hello darlings!

Here's another update for your reading pleasure!

On with the story!


Recap- Harry just pored his soul out to Draco about his older self's love for the blond.


After the group recovered from what Harry had just informed them, Pansy left for classes along with Blasie.

Harry and Draco stayed in the commons and took a nap on the couch because crying took a lot out of them both. Draco was laying on his back on the couch and Harry was sleeping on top of him his head snuggled into Draco's chest.

Draco woke up before Harry and was staring into the fire thinking about what Harry had said.

Does this mean older Harry loves him? 

Suddenly there is a movement on his chest.

"Draco?" Harry mumbles sleepily.

"Yes Harry?" 

" Is it lunch time yet?" Harry asks. Draco looks at the clock above the fire place.

"Yes it is, do you wanna go up?" Draco asks.

"Yes please." Hard says sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

They both get up and right themselves before leaving. They walked down the halls towards the great hall. 

When they walk through the doors Harry runs to the Slytherin table. Draco smiles after Harry and walks over to join his friends.

"Hi guys,"Draco greets. Setting down his bag. " I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." Harry smiles and waves bye to Draco as he walks away.

No one noticed when a a Hufflepuff, and two Ravenclaws followed after him.


I had just started washing my hands when I heard the door open. I looked at the door through the mirror and saw some ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff.

 What do they want? I wonder. I watch as they move around the room circling me.

These people are a threat. I narrow my eyes and dry my hands.

There are three of them and one of me. My odds don't look good. I carefully slip my wand out of my robes careful as to not attack there notice.

I turn around and face the three. My face blank and emotionless.

"To what do I owe the pleaser of being confronted?" I ask my voice bland. 

" well Malfoy. I think it's about time you learned your lesson." Said one of the ravenclaws, who had brown hair in a slick to the side fashion.

"Oh? What lesson is that?" I ask .

" the lesson of you can't corrupt the savior! You lying slithering deatheater scum!" Shouted the dirty blond Hufflepuff. Who pointed his wand at Draco.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Shouted the second ravenclaw. I fired stupify at the same time he cast his spell and didn't have anytime to move before the spell hit me.

I immediately fell to the floor my arms at my side and my legs together. The Hufflepuff and one of the Ravenclaws move to hover over me.

"This is what you get for stupifying my friend!" Said the ravenclaw as he kicked me hard in the face. I felt my nose break. 

"And this is what happens when you try and corrupt the savior!" Shouted the Hufflepuff as he kicked hard at my stomach.

They began waling on me trowing punches and kicking me. My whole body felt bruised.

Suddenly the door creaked open. My two attackers looked towards the door and froze. Pointring there wands at the door. 

Suddenly I hear Blasies voice shout.

"What the fuck do you think your doing to Draco?!" He and the two started firing spells at each other.

Then I heard Pansy's voice.

" Harry wait here I have to help Blasie." She the also joined the fight. 

I couldn't see what was happening but knowing my friends were there for me was comforting. Suddenly Hard face was in mine tears in his eyes.

He touched my face gently and whispered.

"What did they do to you?" Tears rolled down his face and he stood up walking towards the fight.

"Harry stay back honey!" Pansy shouted at him. Suddenly there was intense magical power radiating off of someone.

"Don't." Harry said at a whisper.

"Touch." He said a little louder.

"My draco." 


"AGAIN!" Harry shouted his magic shooting out at the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

The two fell to the floor immediately.

"Harry!" Pansy shouted! She went to make sure the two were still alive. And Blasie made his way over to me. He undid the binding spell and helped me sit.

"Your fucked up mate." He says to me smiling. 

"Yeah thinks Blasie." I said to him dryly. He laughed and pointed his wand at my nose, he fixed it and then went on to clean up the blood.

Harry walked quickly over to me and whispered in my ear.

"I'm going with you everywhere now.I love you Draco."

"I love you to Harry." I whispered back a slight smile on my lips.


Hello my loves!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Love you all!💚 


*front flips off a balcony*

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