Souls have Mates

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(my classmates in moving image arts hate me and i love it (^: legit asked for a girls name and she thought i was a disgusting human being and everyone laughed at me it's gr8 i was just like "fuck you too i know im awesome" (': )

It's most likely become a routine now. Yoongi would always do something wrong so he'd sleep on the same, broken down bench, waking up with a sore neck and a more than worried Taehyung peering at his face with a croissant in his hand.

Then, they would go down to where the bridge was (because there was no cameras there so his boss couldn't suspect Taehyung) and talk for hours until Taehyung had to leave to continue his work (albeit he wasn't doing a great job)

They got to learn more about each others past and as time went on, the pair realised: their stories were far too similar.

"Doesn't it hurt to sleep like that? Your boss seriously isn't paying you enough if you can't sleep somewhere safe..." I mean, paying someone in drugs doesn't necessarily count as a solid income. It's great to get high off of, though. Yoongi isn't a druggie by any means, he just likes to puff a few once in a while. "Eh. It's a job. Keeps me alive, doesn't it?"

"Yoongi...I've made you eat like six croissants in one day. As much as I love butter and pastry, there's no way I could eat six of them all at once." Taehyung laughs although the tone is far from jokingly. "Some of us just like carbs. Like those white girls in mean girls." He shrugs his shoulders but he's happy that Taehyung cares about him. "...They don't like carbs." Oh yeah.

"Did I say carbs? I meant crabs. They're always crabby." This time both males laugh, cancelling the sound of wind out as they stare at the green lake. "Tell me about your family." Taehyung says, earning an icy glare from Yoongi but he tells him anyway.

"Well, let's see..I didn't really talk to my dad so much so when he disappeared I wasn't really bothered. That was when my uncle appeared in the picture. He's a total ass like I don't think I can explain to you how much of a shitty human he is." Taehyung listens intently.

"My mother was wonderful. Picture a concrete angel. That's what she was; a concrete angel bounded to the world, chained even. She was chained for so long...She got killed." Silence falls over the duo, creating awkward tension. "I'm sorry..." He hears Taehyung say but he refuses to cry. "It's not your fault. It's my uncles. He murdered her. This sounds so casual, right? I mean it's not supposed to, like it's deep shit you just get used to it." He shrugs it off once more but something in Taehyung's mind clicks.

"MIN YOONGI?" He screeches, resembling a cat dragging it's fingers down a chalkboard. The said action causes Yoongi to jump up but has no time to react when Taehyung pounces on him, making him fall back down. "Oh my God you've been gone for more than ten years and here you are now, in the flesh! Where'd you go? Why didn't you just wait for me, Yoongi? I fell asleep!"

The fast paced talking is making Yoongi's head spin, unable to function at the moment. This was the Taehyung he knew? Sure, they're similar and they have the same boxy smile...Plus, Yoongi didn't even say what his surname was.

"Um..can you get off of me?" He gestures Taehyung to get off and the latter does as he wishes. For a minute. Then he grabs his hand, dragging him off to somewhere. "Taehyung! Let go." In a physical aspect, due to all of Yoongi's torturing and daily dosage of serum, he'd be stronger than Taehyung in every shape and form. Yet, despite the physical difference, he's allowing Taehyung to take him wherever he wants to.

It takes a good hour and a half for them to reach the place and when they do, memories come flooding back. They're at Yoongi's old house. It's worn down, the walls have black soot cascading down them, almost like water yet, not. The wooden fence is broken, the glass windows are shattered and there's petrol cans scattered across the grass.

Yoongi falls to his knees.

Memories sting. It's a whole other feeling when you're talking about memories and then being forced to relive them.

Taehyung falls to his knees too.

"Why did you take me here?" Yoongi croaks out, tears threatening to spill. "You left me...I wanted you to remember me." He replies sadly, both hearts aching at the realization of how long it took for them to find each other again. "Remember you? I never forgot you!" In saying that, Yoongi lurches forward and hugs the younger tightly, scared that if he lets go, this 'dream' would come to an end.

"Taehyungie, I'm so sorry." This time, the tears come pouring out and Taehyung begins crying as well. "It's my fault for falling asleep." The pair wail in the warm embrace, blaming themselves every few minutes but in the end, adjusting themselves to the silence as time went on.

"I missed you." Taehyung exclaims, looking into the dark orbs known as Yoongi's eyes. The pair were like dumb and dumber, just a more serious version. "I missed you too."

They spend twenty minutes like that, holding eachother and wondering how life could go so terribly wrong. They were supposed to be best friends forever, grow up together. Yet they got     lost ─ so terribly lost.

They go home to Taehyung's place and by then they're already too exhausted to get into further details apart from one question which Taehyung just had to ask. They're sitting on the brown leather couch, sitting at opposite sides. "Yoongi...where did your uncle go? He disappeared after you left and there wasn't any prints on the petrol can..."

"I don't know." But he knew all too well where his uncle went to. "He probably went to some place like Tokyo or shit like that. He's not one to stay around for long when he's killed people, Taehyungie." He smiles despite the sinister comment and closes his eyes, praying that he could forget the image of his uncles bloody hands but he never can.

'Memories feel worse than torture' he concludes.

"Yeah...we can talk more tomorrow. You should sleep, Yoongi-ah." As he's about to leave the room to get blankets, Yoongi grabs the hem of his shirt. "Can you...stay with me? Just for tonight. Okay that sounds really cheesy nevermind─"

"So like our old sleepovers? Of course! Except we'll actually be able to sleep comfortably this time." Taehyung giggles, leaving the room to get the blankets and pillows. Yoongi really has missed his best friend. "Catch!" Taehyung throws a pillow towards Yoongi and to his surprise, he actually catches it. Yoongi was terrible at catching before. Maybe practice makes perfect.

"Thanks." His smile is small yet it doesn't stop Taehyung's heart from skipping a beat. "Okaaayy, so we should sleep, right?" He plops down on the enormous couch, pulling the blanket over their heads. "Yeah." Yoongi shifts further away from Taehyung but he's having none of it as the latter pulls him closer, allowing the older to rest his head on his chest. "...Goodnight Taehyung."

"Sweet dreams, Yoongs." And this time, he was finally able to have pleasant dreams.


finally updated after nearly a month

I'll try to be a better updater i swear 😂😂😂

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