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a/n merry eve of christmas eve!!!! YES THE EVE OF CHRISTMAS EVE MATTERS JUST AS MUCH

"So...are you excited to be a secret agent now, Yoongs?" Taehyung prods at his side gently, bringing Yoongi down to earth but earth didn't really seem like a place he wanted to be at. However, the fluttery feeling that fills his stomach and heart whenever he looks at Taehyung calms him throughout the chaos.

"It hasn't sunk in yet, I don't think." Taehyung's (and now Yoongi's) co-worker and employer stated that he had to negotiate with the other employees just to make sure everyone was fine with his decision so he allowed the pair to wait in the corridor. Yoongi glimpses at Taehyung and notices that his brows are knitted together so he smooths them out, a small smile making it's way onto his lips. "It will soon. I always thought you were a hero and now you can be." He grins, the action causing Yoongi's heartstrings to be pulled on.

Yoongi always thought it was strange that Taehyung could easily bring the best out of him; even if his best was still dirtied hands from dangerous jobs. It felt like, if Taehyung knew about all of his wrong doings, that he still would see him as a wonderful person ─ damaged but could be mended just like a broken toy soldier.

A toy soldier would be quite accurate to describe Yoongi, actually. Courageous, but terrified. Strong, but fragile. Because it isn't like Yoongi is a terrible person; he's good, he's just in a terrible state.

However, he's not so sure Taehyung could understand that. Or rather, he can't bring himself to ask for understanding. It's like a series circuit, if one bulb is working fine but the others are dull or broken, the one bulb that does work will lose its light too.

"Taehyung, I don't think wearing superman and spiderman costumes as a kid makes me a hero. Although, it would be nice if i could.."

"Stop putting yourself down! Can't you just try to be positive?" Yoongi shrugs it off, replying with, "being positive is a lot harder than it seems, Taehyung." The answer seems to create an awkward silence for what seems like forever but is only for a few seconds. "Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's not worth the try."

Yoongi replies curtly, although not meaning to. "Yeah well, your life is a lot easier than mine, so.." Just as Taehyung is about to respond the door flies open, emitting a red light. "Agent Kim, agent Min, come right on through." The man smiles and Taehyung strides in with confidence. In comparison, Yoongi is mentally preparing himself to find a weapon and launch an attack on them if they figure out he's Ghost as he trembles while walking into the room. Why can't he keep his cool this time around? He's faced similar situations before so why is he so scared? Maybe because he's never been 'obliged' to join any organisations before.

"Hello." Yoongi shifts in his position. A lady with long dyed blonde hair smiles warmly, speaking in a gentle voice, "Welcome to the agency. We think you'll be a valuable member to our association." Yoongi nods as if he's being controlled to do so and he tries his best to muster a smile.

The individual introductions go under way and when it comes to the end of the meeting, Yoongi is finally able to breathe. Throughout the meeting Taehyung was instructed to show some of the files that were related to Ghost later on and that was the gist of the whole meeting.

Yoongi was quite happy about it really, if he could get his hands on the files and destroy them then he would no longer be in danger and Taehyung could just give up on the case. The question still lingered though, why did he give Taehyung clues to find him if he didn't want to be found? As Ghost he was a different person. He was Yoongi when he made the decision to give Taehyung clues and although he's still dressed as Yoongi now, he's thinking like Ghost and as Ghost, he doesn't want to be found at all.

"Come with me." Yoongi's hand is being tugged on by Taehyung which leads him to suspect that he's mad at him. They leave the room and Taehyung still has his hand wrapped securely around his wrist.

"Taehyung...? Look, I'm sorry for saying that I didn't mean to because I don't know what goes on in your life but as kids I did and I'm sorry ─ I know it was a dick move." Taehyung says nothing, instead, he keeps walking and Yoongi is following him blindly as well as silently.

Thankfully as they get closer to their destination, Yoongi realises it's an old shoe store which settles Yoongi. There's no cameras in this area so his boss can't find him. Just as Taehyung is about to walk in, the door seems to be locked. "Were you thinking about entering a property that's not yours, Mr Kim?" Yoongi wiggles his eyebrows as he watches Taehyung's cheeks turn a ruddy colour.

"I just wanted to show you something and now I can't." Taehyung pouts, bangs covering his eyes as he drops his head and droops his shoulders. With a new determination, Yoongi asks, "do you have a pin or something?" He tilts his head up slightly before searching his pockets. As luck has it, he finds an orange paper clip and gives it to him.

"Wait, you know how to pick a lock?" Yoongi gulps as he successfully takes the clip, takes the sharp point and unlocks the door. "Well, um, it's just a talent I guess. When I crashed with some friends they got themselves locked out so I just tried to unlock it with a small object and it worked." It totally didn't become a skill because he's used to pick locking and decoding bank safes. Definitely not.

"That's so cool!" Taehyung grins, "You know, we're technically breaking and entering which will be my first time ever! It's so exciting to be honest." Not if you've done it a couple hundred times, is what Yoongi thinks to himself. "Lead the way." Taehyung nods, taking Yoongi's hand and pulling him into the shop before closing the door.

He begins searching around the wooden shelves, looking for whatever it is he's wanting to find. Yoongi settles into the red rocking chair, swinging back and forth until Taehyung comes back with a desaturated blue box in his hands. "What's in it?" Yoongi wonders, eyes lighting up with curiosity. Taehyung laughs, the sound sweet, even fond as he gazes at Yoongi.

Opening the box, Yoongi can see numerous of photos that are of him and Taehyung as kids, along with a pair of red leather shoes about half a size bigger than his own and a small circular wooden carving.

In one photo, Taehyung is grinning whilst wearing a birthday hat and Yoongi is pecking his cheek all the while holding a homemade birthday card. Yoongi smiles shyly and decides to look at another photo. In this one, Yoongi is holding a stuffed teddy bear that Taehyung had given to him and he's laughing as Taehyung is pulling a silly face. The memory causes both adults to laugh.

Yoongi then inspects the leather shoes. Although the colour has slightly faded, the red is still vibrant. "I used to work here when I was about seventeen. The man liked me so he allowed me to make shoes with him so I made these thinking that if i ever met you again, that you'd wear them. I didn't really know your size though so I kind of guessed." He laughs, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

He takes the shoes and removes Yoongi's old ones. Then, he places the new shoes on his feet, tying the black strings carefully. Although they're a little big, Yoongi smiles big before pulling Taehyung into a hug. "They're way nicer than Cinderella's glass slippers that's for sure." Taehyung giggles like a little kid when Yoongi takes a hold of his hand and laces their fingers together.

Embarrassed by his own actions, Yoongi looks up only to find mistletoe above the pair. "Mistletoe? It's not even Christmas, though..." Taehyung looks away shyly, "the shop closed near Christmas time so that's probably why but..."

"But what, Taehyungie?" Yoongi looks at him innocently, considerably confused. "Well, it is a Christmas tradition so um...I kind of have to kiss you. If you don't want to it's fine! I uh- Yeah you probably shouldn't anyway! My breath smells bad and like-"

"Will you kiss me, Taehyungie?"

"....Of course, hyungie." Taehyung leans in, cupping his cheeks before pressing a light kiss to Yoongi's lips. The pair both turn bright red but Yoongi can't help but listen to his hammering heart.

"Could you kiss me again, Taehyungie?"

"Yes, hyungie."


idk if this went too fast but like i hope this makes it up to you all for waiting so long for another update ;^; thank you for always supporting me! im truly thankful for all of you >o<

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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