I am one of those people who thinks of random stuff and has the urge to share it with the world so I have a book of randomness.
I am slightly insane but I like to think that's what makes me interesting to be around.
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So, I haven't updated my books in forever, even though I have, like, five chapters of Eco prewritten, so I thought I'd do another story time. But, none of the random thoughts that keep me up at night are long enough for a chapter that doesn't make that little message pop up that's all like, "Your chapter takes twelve seconds to read." So I'm just compiling all these things into one chapter of weirdness.
So I've had a few ideas bouncing around in my head for a few hours and now that I've sat down to write it all out, I've forgotten all of it. Excuse me for five years while I remember this stuff.
Okay, so are you ever just working on something really hard for a really long time and no one randomly walks in and sees you working, then when you step away for two minutes to something unproductive to give yourself a break, your parent walks in and is all like, "Do something productive, you're so lazy." You could have chosen any moment to check up on me and you chose the two-minute-long time period where I'm being unproductive.
Do you ever, like, get a bruise or something and it doesn't hurt at all unless you touch it, then it's like fire. And you just keep touching it for some reason?
You know, I have a prank I want you guys to help me with, but it'll be funnier if I have a lot of active followers, so I'm gonna wait and do it on April 1st.
Have you ever been given a single Oreo and spent a solid five minutes contemplating the best way to eat it? Like, you could open it up and eat the cream and then the cookie. You could eat the cookie, then the cream. You could eat the whole thing at once. You could break it in half and eat the cream and the cookie separately and then eat the other half whole. You could dip it in milk. There are so many different ways to eat Oreos, it's not even a joke anymore. Like, sometimes I really want the cream, so I scrape it off the cookie, eat the cookie first, then eat the cream. Some times I really want the cookie, so I lick off the cream, then eat the cookie. Sometimes I want it all together. and then sometimes I want it with milk. Then sometimes I'm just like, "I don't even like the cream that much, why do I always save it for last?"
You know, I was reading back some of my old chapters and saying it in my head and I thought, "If I had the proper resources, I could be a decent YouTuber." You know, like TheOdd1sOut? Just talking about random stuff that happened to me for no real reason other than the fact that people have nothing better to do than to watch a random person who doesn't affect their lives at all talk about random stuff.
Why do people put meatballs on sandwiches? I mean, they always fall off and it makes the bread all soggy. I say this like I've actually eaten a proper meatball sub. I haven't. I just ate the meatballs off those "meatball subs" from the school cafeteria. But the soggy bread thing is true, I love bread, and I was going to eat it, but the sauce from the meatballs basically ruined the bread.
In case you haven't picked up on it, my writing is a little off today and I'm a lot less philosophical than usual. I think it's because I was binge-watching TheOdd1sOut vids earlier. . .
Oh well, later Nargle Fam!
(By the way, no one's correctly guessed what this stuff is yet.
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Don't feel bad, I was confused when I first saw it, and I actually knew what it was. I'll give you a hint, imagine it as a different color)
(Also, I know I had a bunch of other things I was going to talk about and only two of the things I talked about here I actually thought of prior to writing this, so future me who is looking back at present me and thinking, "How did I forget that?" will now add those things in.)
(I don't feel like proofreading because it's 3:30 am, so don't get mad at me. Get mad at Grammarly who says this is grammatically correct.)
I found this bell necklace when I was cleaning today. You know, those cheap metal bells on the nylon cords you get at church parties and school? I wore it all around the house today and I sounded like a cat. I promise, on December 1st I am going full Christmas, Christmas sweaters, Santa hat hair clips, jingle bells, etc. Oh! I can be a cat for Halloween and wear the bell then!