Chapter 11

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Zhia's Pov:

I went downstairs and sat beside harry on the loveseat.I cleared my throat and looked at harry.

"Uh....Erm...Girls we have something to say to you"Harry said softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at the other girls who were too confuse.I nodded at harry to continue.

"Girls were-"Harry started to say but Louis cut him off.I looked at Louis questionly.

"Wait before harry goes any further I just wanna say that please dont freak out and let us explain"Louis said.Me and the girls nodded unsure and looked back at Harry.

"Girls were umm...cgbch"Harry whispered lowly that none of us heard.I sighed in frustration and looked at harry sternly.Which made Harry let out a breath he was holding.

"Vampires"Harry spoke.Me knitting my eyebrows together processing on what he said.

"What about Vampires?"Kylie asked.All the boys snapped their heads in Kylie's direction.

"We are"Zayn replied to her.All the boys looked at the floor.While me and the girls look at each other and burst out of laughing.The boys looked back up and stared at us like bipolar people.Krissy wiped a tear running down from her eye.

"Vampires are not real!!"Diamond exclaimed.Which somewhat offended Niall.

"Yeah,you guys must be reading too much Vampire Novels!!"Katie laughed.Me nodding.All the boys are breathing angrily.

"If you are vampires prove it"Katie challenged letting out a small giggle.

"Love,you dont want to see our Vampire side,its not a pretty sight"Liam spat angrily.The girls look scared and looked at me for help.I sighed and nodded.

"Boys if you want us to believe your 'Vampires' prove it"I mumbled looking at Harry.

Harry sighed and looked at the lads and nodded.

"We warned you"Niall spoke deeply.

After That the boys showed their red eyes and fangs but Zayn's stood out cause his was purple with specks of gold after that new and the girls screamed and was about to run away when Zayn used his telekinesis

To stop us from doing so and after that the boys told us their power Harry could transform into animals and bring people pain(or should i say Payne No okay sorry i just had to) and Louis could go into people body and read people mind and Liam could tell the future and niall could teleport and heal and Zayn could

Do telekinesis and  shoot fire After they explained That There was A big boom and everything went back all i saw was Tori looking at us with black eyes

Hey guys UPDATED!!!

This is @Chrissyrocks1D.

I made a Vampire book called My Boyfriend's a Vampire (HS Fanfic)

So yeah CHECK IT OUT!! <3

PS:Did we break VEVo?



Harry's gurlfand<3

Uh ohhhhh what happened follow me at Chrissyrocks1D

Ps We Have To Break The record for the You & I video come people we could do it

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