Chapter 19

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Zayn's POV:


I stirred and slowly opened my eyes to see my mate's eyes staring directly at me,making my knees tremble.

"Y-yeah?"I groggily ask.She squirmed a bit before replying.

"Uh...Sorry to wake you but...uh"She stuttered.I nodded for her to continue.

"I need to..erm..pee..but your kinda squishing me here"She replied shyly.I blushed and let go.of her waist.She stood up and went to the bathroom.After few seconds i got bored and went to the living room.

I wonder if Zhia and Harry are still in here?

My thoughts were answered when i saw Zhia playing with a white persian cat on her lap.My eyes widen at the cat.

"Uh...Zhi...What's that?"I pointed at the animal.She jumped a bit,startled by my voice.She processed in what i said to her and she smiled at me.

"Its Harry"She lifted the cat to make me get a better view.Sure enough ite Harry because of its green eyes.I laughed and sat beside her but harry got off of Zhia's lap and made himself in the middle of me and Zhia.I laughed at his protectiveness.

"Why did Harry turn into a cat?"I ask.Harry slowly got off from the couch and sat at rug near the coffee table.

"Well after what happened last night,I was crying my eyes out and i didnt notice Harry was gone until i stepped on his tail,at first i thought it was a stray cat that got in her so i started making baby noises which made harry transform to human form again"Zhia said.I nodded.She leaned closer to my ear to whisper something.

"Even though his a cat his still crazy and weird"She stated quietly.I furrowed my eyebrows clueless.She rolled her black eyes.

"Look"She pointed at the cat.

I look at harry and sure enough his doing what most animals wont do.Harry is rubbing his cat bum on the rug while moving in circles.Me and Zhia burst out of laughing.

"What's so funny?"A voice said behind us.We turned around and saw Krissy rubbing her eyes tiredly.I patted the seat next to me for her to sit.She nodded and went to the couch.She sat down and her eyes widen at the sight of a cat.

"Aw!! who is this cupcake!! so cute!!"She awed while approaching harry.He played along and sat beside her.Krissy lifted Harry up and started combing his fur.Which harry was enjoying.She looks so happy.

"Where did you find.."She paused and flipped the cat.So harry is laying on his back.She looked at Harry's dick.Which made his cat eyes widen.Krissy look up.

"..Him?"She continued.Me and Zhia look at each other and burst out of laughing while she sat there confuse,Harry is still uncomfortable laying on his back.

"What? I was just checking the gender"She stated confused.Me and Zhia kept on laughing.Tears were already coming out of her eyes.Zhia fell down from the couch her hands grip on her stomach.Harry walk towards Zhia and placed his paws on her arm.Meaning to stop her from laughing too much

"T-that's.....H-harry!!"Zhia choke out.She kept on laughing while harry just sat there beside her.Krissy processed the words and realization struck her.Her eyes widen.

"Oh My God!! Fuck!! Harry im sorry!!"She spoke while putting her hands on her beautiful face.

"Dont be,its okay"A raspy voice called.We turn to look at Harry no longer a cat but in a human form.He sat there at the same spot beside Zhia but her head was on his lap.

"Zhia also 'check me out' earlier"Harry smirked and look down at her.Now its her turn to cover her face.

"I didnt know okay!"She exclaimed through her hands.Harry laughed and removed her hands away from her face.Harry bent his head down to her ear.I couldnt hear properly so i used my vampire hearing.

Its okay....I want to shove my dick into you and moan...

My eyes widen i stopped listening to his dirty words while Zhia just laid there face crimson.

"What is Harry whispering at her?"Krissy asked from beside me.My eyes widen a bit before answering her.

"Love,you dont want to know"I stated.Her eyes widen and look at them to see,Harry still whispering naughty things to her.Krissy placed her hand over her mouth.

"I bet their going to do it later tonight"She bets.I nodded agreeing with her.

"Lets have a movie marathon in my room,Kris"I asked her.What i really wanted to do was to stay away from the two of them.

"C'mon"I grabbed her hand and we procceded upstairs.

Perfect! no one will interupt us now ~HS

I look back down to see Harry hovering Zhia,while lifting her shirt up while she was unbottoning his jeans.I immediately look away from the view.


I heard a chuckle from below and it was harry.

Haha,Cant help it man,she's hot! ~HS

Harry turned his head to me and winked,i laughed at his flirty actions.I kicked my door open to see Krissy already in bed,eyes glued on the TV.I chuckled and laid down beside her.She is so focused on the movie.Dictator.A laugh escape from her lips.I kissed her.

"I love you"A i spoke deeply.She was taken aback by my words but smiled at me.

"I....L-love you too Zayn"She smiled at me and i kissed her one more time.

Unknown's POV:

"Slut"I mumbled narrowing my eyes at Kris.

"What a whore,She's having sex with my Harry"Kendall spat.I turned around to see her eyes red fangs popping out from her gums.

"Really?"I questioned.She nodded angrily.I jumped downstairs and opened the window slowly.Sure enough Harry is thrusting into her like no tomorrow.

"And i heard Harry ask her,Do you want to fuck or make love? in reply that bitch whore said,make love"She spat.I laughed at her.

"I want to fucking kill that bitch!!"She growled.

"Tsk tsk,now now,Kendall just stick to the plan and after its all over you can have your Harry back,again.While i get my Zayn back"I spoke while opening the curtain using telekinesis,to have a better view if them.I spat at the view.

"Well we must do this quickly,aye Perrie?"She spoke,I nodded agreeing.


OMFG!! Perrie WTF is wrong with you!! And you Kendall Jenner better behave!!

Haha lol.

So 2/5 girls are known already!!!

Comment below to guess who the 3 girls are...

The person who will got it right will be dedicated on the next chappie<3


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