Chapter 20

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Krissy's POV:  

"Im glad you felt the same way"Zayn murmured.I smiled at him.

"Well you are my mate,so there's no turning back now"I joked.He lightly chuckled while turning to me holding my hand.

"Im bored wanna go to the park? Us,the lads and lass?"He suggested.I nodded eagerly.I stood up from my bed and grabbed my bag which was laying on Zayn's rug quietly.I zipped my bag open and grabbed my floral dress that is knee high length.Matching it with my black flats.I started unbottoning my shirt and my jeans.So im left in my knickers.I felt strong arms wrap my small waist and a head placed on my left shoulder.I feel him smirk through my hair.

"Zayn get off! Im trying to change here!"I scolded playfully while swatting him away.He laughed and let go of me.I turned around to face him.I placed my hands on my bare hips.

"Go get ready so we can tell the other guys and girls if they want to hangout with us"I pipped.He laughed and walk towards his walk in closet.I nodded at him and wore my dress.Putting on my flats Zayn walked out wearing a red polo with skinny jeans and his Nike shoes matching the style he wore his black leather jacket.I gawked at how perfect he is.

"Are you done checking me out?"He smirked.I shook my head and stuck my tongue at him.He chuckled while approaching me.I stood up from the bed and walk with him down the stairs.When we reach the living room.My eyes widen at the view and i immediately slap my hands over Zayn's eyes to avert him to see the horrifying image.There on the floor was Harry and Zhia both naked sleeping ontop of each other.While Harry didnt even pull out from her yet.

"Zhia Marie Shire! Harry Edward Styles! What the Fuck!"I screamed at the both of them.They immediately woke up.They both gasp at each other and immediately sat up.Harry grabbing 3 pillows.He handed the 2 pillows to Zhia while he has the other one.

Zhia cleared her throat nervously. "Uh..Yes Krissy?"She asked innocently.Innocent my ass.I cocked my eyebrows at the both of them while,still,put my hand over Zayn's eyes.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows."Where are you two going?"He pointed us an accusing finger.I let out a groan.

"Well me and Zayn were planning to go to the park but since you two were busy.Might aswell go only the both of us"I explained.

Zhia gasped and stood,not caring the fact that she's still bare.Harry checking her out.I glared at him which made him stop staring at her inappropriately.

"But Krissy! I love Parks!! I want to go too!! With or without Harry!"She whined.Harry stood up aswell but placing the pillow he got on his manhood.Note to self,dont touch the pillows on the couches.They might be contaminated.I shuddered at the thought.

"Hey that hurts babe!"Harry pouted.Zhia looked at him for a split second before turning back to me."I dont care!"She replied.I sighed at the both of them."Okay,fine you can come".Harry laughed a bit.I glared at him.Pervert.

"You two change while me and Zayn prepare the snacks."I instructed.They both nodded.Harry started walkimg ahead of Zhia,but her being crazy,hopped on harry's back and hold onto his neck.Which made him stumble a bit.

"Go harry! Go!" She ordered.Harry rolled his eyes and ran upstairs.I sighed at the both of them.Releasing my hand on Zayn's eyes.He held my hand and we procceded to the kitchen.

I walked in and started opening cupboards while Zayn takes fruits out from the fridge.I took out bread from the pantry and grabbed Nuttela from the lower cupboard.I sat on the chair and placed the ingredients on the table.I took out the bread from the plastic cover while opening the lid of the nuttela jar.I took a spoon out ans smeared it over the bread.I look up at Zayn to see him melting chocolate on the pot and he took out again 4 packs of strawberries from the fridge.The smell of molten chocolate invading my nose.

"What's that amaZayn smell?!"A voice said at the doorway.Turning around i saw Zhia wearing a white tanktop that has neon green letters paste to it that said Move over.While wearing a short denim shorts with her grey keds.Her black hair tucked in Harry's grey beanie.She looks so beautiful and she doesnt even wore make up.She walk towards me with a bright smile on her flawless face.

"Oh i forgot to tell you early that you look hot!"She smirked while helping me smear Nuttela on the sandwiches.I blushed.

"Zayn can you hurry up on those chocolates!"Zhia yelled at him.Zayn rolled his eyes while pouring the hot molten chocolate on a medium sized container.He put them on the table to cool.I can practically see drool on Zhia's mouth.I laughed at her while she flipped me off.Harry walked in wearing his casual black shirt,black skinny jeans and his signature brown boots.His curls tucked in a grey beanie.I awwed at him,Their both wearing the same beanie.He approach me placing the picnic basket on the table.He gave me a friendly hug which i returned.He walked beside me and gave a sweet kiss on Zhia's lips.

"The other lads will meet us at the park and Niall brought pizza.So we better get going before Niall ates all of the pizza."Zayn inquired.We nodded our heads.Me and Zhia placed 15 sandwiches in the basket.I grabbed the 4 packs of strawberries.Zhia placed the lid on the container of the chocolate and placed it carefully in the basket.Once we were done the Zayn carried the basket into the car.I opened my passenger seat while Zhia locked the house.

"You coming?"I asked.She shook her head no.I looked at her confusingly.She nodded her head behimd Zayn's range rover to see a motorcycle parked behind us and Harry sat there already wearing his black biker helmet.Zhia walk towards and he handed her his extra helmet.She took off her beanie and placed the helmet on her face.She hopped on the motorcycle she wrapped her arms around Harry's to,beanie on her hand.I smiled at her.In return she gave me thumbs up.I nodded and went inside the car.I closed the car door once im inside.I turned to Zayn who was already staring at me.I was taken aback when his warm red plump lips was pressed on mine.I smiled and kisses him back.A few seconds of kissing a beep was heard from behind us.Zayn pulled away and look at the small mirror ontop.Zayn chuckled at the mirror i look at it to see Harry pointing his middle finger at us.While Zhia was laughing her bum off.I giggled and Zayn pulled out from the driveway and drove to our destination.Harry and Zhia close behind us..

I have a feeling this will be my best and worst day ever...



Check out my story Forced (HS and Bradley Simpsons fanfic) so if ur a directioner and The Vamps fan,like me :3.Go check it out!! because that's how much i love u guys!!!


~Harry's gurlfand<3

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