Chapter One

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"I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?"


Bucky swipes all of his long hair to one side and waves his hands. "I am the Scarlet Witch," he says in a dramatic voice, "I am the most powerful person to ever liiiiive."

Clint, Sam, and Nat dissolve into laughter and I pretend to be offended. Then I look him in the eyes and grin evilly. "Why yes, James Buchanan Barnes, I certainly am." I raise a hand and let scarlet flash to life.

He raises his hands defensively. "Woah there, Wanda, we don't want any trouble."

I raise my eyebrows and grin. "Don't mess with a sorceress."

"Yeah, her boyfriend will kill you," Sam says seriously.

I hit him on the shoulder. "Can her boyfriend make you see your greatest fear?"

"No," laughs Sam, "he can't even cook."

"He's learning!" I say defensively, but I can't keep from laughing along with them.

Clint picks up an arrow from the table and turns to Nat. "Hey, they finished the new firing range on the other side of the facility, want to go try it out?"

Natasha's eyes glint mischievously. "Why not?"

"Ten bucks says I hit the bullseye every time," Clint says as he stands up.

"You're on!" Natasha says, and races him out the door. She'll do everything she can to sabotage his shots.

I swing my legs over the arm of the couch and lean back on Buck's metal arm. "Last time she lit his entire quiver on fire."

Bucky and Sam laugh loudly.

"It's true," I say. "Before that, she hid the targets all over the facility and he spent the entire day-"

"Crawling through the air vents and shooting the targets right past the agents' faces," Sam cuts in, grinning.

Bucky shakes his head. "If I was out of the ice then, I would have followed him through the vents and scared the s*** out of him."

"This is why nobody likes you, Barnes," Sam jokes.

"Oh please, bird boy, you couldn't do a thing without your wings," Bucky shoots back.

"I can shoot better than you."

"You couldn't hit a barn door with a- with a banana."

"A banana? I'll have you know-"

They keep bickering, but I know what they won't admit, that they're really best friends. I laugh and use my magic to steal one of the strawberries sitting in front of Sam. Sometimes they're so much like Pietro that I think they really are my brothers.

A/N so, another short part. now we've seen both POVs, and the Maximoff twins are clueless that I'm stalking them through their eyes. They're clueless about a lot of other things too.

Thanks for reading, love you guys

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