Chapter Fourteen

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"If you have friends as weird as you, then you have everything."


It's game night at the Avengers facility and Tony insists that we're playing Monopoly. Steve wants to play Apples to Apples. Sam suggests Cards Against Humanity.

We compromise and pull out Telestrations (a couple of sets, because there's a lot of us).

Tony tosses the extra Expo markers in the middle of our sort-of-circle. "Let's not use the words on the cards," he says. "It's more fun that way."

"It's not Telestrations that way," Clint protests.

"Let's just try it," Steve says, ever the peacemaker. "This once."

A few grumbles ripple through the group, but they put down the cards and uncap the markers.

"Then don't make them inappropriate," Sam says to Tony, "no one wants to hear about your extracurricular activities."

Tony glares at him.

The Avengers follow no rules, I joke to Vision, not even for Telestrations.

He smiles.

I quickly scribble a word on the front page: chocolate. I draw a quick chocolate bar on the first space and toss the book to Steve.

The book that lands in my lap has a little black stick figure on it, wearing a tall triangle hat and holding a broom. I glare at Bucky, who smiles innocently.

"What could this possibly be?" I say sarcastically, squinting at the marker lines. "A wizard... holding his torch upside down?" I flip it over. "An angry face balancing on a yoga ball?"

Bucky frowns and crosses his arms.

I scribble down my answer and pass the book on, grinning at the pouting super soldier.

As the game continues, I try to make my word answers as ridiculous as possible and watch Steve frown in confusion before trying to draw what I give him.

Sam plays with his tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. Tony presses his marker too hard against the laminated paper. Natasha scribbles quickly and clicks her marker lid back on after every turn.

Then it's the last turn and the Telestration books are full. Everyone's drawings go back in their hands.

Sam flips through his pages and frowns. "Steve, I know you're an artist but the point of this game is not to draw well." He holds up a detailed drawing in red marker of Tony's face, exaggerated dark circles under his eyes and mouth open in a yawn.

Rhodey laughs and nudges Tony with his elbow.

Steve furrows his eyebrows and holds up his marker (black). "It wasn't me."

Sam scans the markers in people's hands and stops at Quicksilver, whose thin red marker hangs from his fingers and whose face is slightly pink.

Sam bursts out laughing. The others quickly join in.

Quicksilver runs his hand through his hair again. "Sorry," he says. "Bucky told me to draw what it said, so I did. Did I ruin the game?"

"Nah, don't apologize," Clint says, "it's a heckin good drawing."

"And look-" Sam flips to the next page. "Clint guessed 'an a-hole', so the game went on fine."

Tony glares.

I smile. I didn't know you could draw, I say to my brother.

Neither did I.


When it's getting late and board game pieces, chips, and people are lying all over the floor, we decide to call it a night.

Quicksilver stands and smiles at me.

"Fun group, aren't they?" I laugh.

"Yeah, they're certainly... something."

"Thank you for playing with us," I say.

"Thank you for letting me." He shifts his weight awkwardly.

"Well... good night, Quicksilver." I hold out my hand for a fist bump.

He looks at it, and then steps closer and hugs me instead.

It's awkward and careful, but it's the warmest hug I've ever felt. My throat tightens and I smile over his shoulder.

He steps back and clears his throat. "Good night, Wanda."

A/N hi it has been so long and I'm so sorry... my number one otp got engaged and I have been very distracted with au ideas for them oops but THAT'S NO EXCUSE sorry

I love you all have a beautiful day

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