Chapter Two

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"You cannot run away from yourself; you're always right behind you."


I keep running, running, and I don't notice that I'm running out of the city until the fields on either side of me catch my eye. I skid to a stop and look up. There is a building, big and white. On the side is a huge grey logo, a circle around the capital letter A.

Two figures walk away from the building: a man with a black quiver on his shoulder and a woman in a leather jacket. They are headed to a clearing with five targets lined up in a row and they're talking loudly.

I grin and run after them, staying back behind the few trees.

They stand in front of the targets. "Just you watch," says the archer.

I can't wait to see how this plays out.

She folds her arms and he snaps his bow into its shape (cool). He reaches back and draws an arrow. A moment and then he fires.

I run, reaching out for the arrow, and it slides into my fingers. I catch it and duck away.

He pauses, then turns to her and frowns. "Okay, I get that you're dedicated, but how did you do that?"

"Do what?" She wasn't watching.

"Make the arrow disappear before it hit the target."

I hide a snicker from my place in the trees, flipping the arrow in my fingers.

She tilts her head quizzically. "What?"

He shakes his head. "Whatever." He draws and fires again.

My feet seem to move by themselves and I catch the second arrow.

This time they both stop and stare. He turns to his companion, stunned, and says, "Did you see it?"

"Yeah," she breathes, "I saw-"

"The blue light!" he says. "That's his speed!"

My heart stops. My speed.

The archer whips around, looking for something- looking for me.

I drop the arrows and run. He fires an arrow towards my blue and I stop to catch it instinctively in one hand.

His eyes caught on mine, he whispers, "Maximoff." His mouth slides into a smile and he looks at me as if waiting for me to say something he knows.

I don't say a word. Arrow still in hand, I duck my head and run away, far away.

When I am safe, leaning against a tree and catching my breath, I think of what he said.


Where have I heard that name before?

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