Chapter Twelve

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"Not friends, not enemies, just some strangers with some memories."


After we deal with the mess, I'm left alone. My hair is tinged red from paint and I am dressed in mismatched, borrowed clothes. The purple t-shirt is Clint's; the leather jacket, Bucky's; the black skinny jeans, likely Tony's. Natasha gave me running shoes with a big black N on the side. She did not tell me whose they were, but they look new.

The black notebook, sitting on my bed, seems to radiate wrongness. Nothing to fill it with; nothing anymore. So I leave it and run to the lounge room.

Before I step through the doorway I see two people sitting on the couch. I skid to a stop, silent.

It's Wanda and Vision, close together and leaning their heads on each other. Wanda has changed clothes, but her wet hair falls over the same black jacket. The white arrows are still slightly blue from the paint.

Vision has a thin book in his hand. "How do I love thee?" he reads softly. "Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace."

"I love thee to the level of every day's most quiet need, by sun and candlelight," she continues. "I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise."

The book is open, but they aren't reading the words. Wanda's eyes look down at their hands and Vision's eyes are on her.

I step back and stand against the wall outside. This is not a moment I can interrupt.

Their soft voices finish the poem and Wanda laughs.

I have decided that Pietro would approve.


I go to see if anyone's made any more desserts in the kitchen.

Tony is there, eating a small pie right out of the pan.

"Are you going to share any?" I ask.

He scoffs. "No."

In less than a second I've taken the whole pan out from under him and his fork from his hand. I take a bite. "Cherry, thank you."

"Hey!" He reaches over to take it back.

"Oh, what's that? You didn't want me to eat this? But it is so delicious." I eat more, ducking away from his hand.

"No fair, kid, I don't have superpowers."

"But I could have sworn that you were a superhero."

Tony reaches out and a red gauntlet slams into his hand, unfolding over his fingers. He aims it at me.

"Woah, there is no need for weapons," I laugh, and place the pie back on the table. "You can have a quarter. I'm a growing boy."

"A third, then," he frowns. "Crazy kid."

We both sit back down and start to eat the pie.

"So, why did Pietro hate you, Tony Stark?" I finally ask. "You seem like a harmless idiot."

He glares, then turns back to the pie. "I'd tell you, but then you'd hate me too."

"What could you possibly have done?"

He scoffs. "Too much. I was not a hero, kid."

My fingers tap on the table. "Well.. that's okay. You are a hero now."

He smiles slightly. "Sure."

And maybe I'm not really so hungry, because I only end up eating half of the pie.

A/N Wow I struggle to be productive over the holidays

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