Yoongi x Reader

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Word Count: 1377


When Jimin called me that day, I knew it was important. "Noona! I need your help." I sighed and closed my laptop.

"What is it Jimin? What do you need?"

"You know how it's Suga-hyung's birthday next week?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm his girlfriend. Of course I know when his birthday is." I said, chuckling at the thought of not knowing Yoongi's birthday. We'd been together for a year and a half already, and yet it felt like it had been so much longer. Especially since we hadn't been able to see each other for a while. Work had called me into China for two months and they had been on tour when I was free. I was leaving tonight, and I couldn't wait to be back in Korea. I needed to be back in the busy streets, see the familiar places. I hadn't told Yoongi yet, I wanted to surprise him. We'd been able to video chat as often as we could, but it wasn't the same as seeing him face to face.

"Well when do you get back in?" Jimin asked, and I smiled, knowing what he was planning.

"I leave tonight. I should be back in the morning. I haven't told him."

"Yes! I mean...that's great!" I laughed and could imagine his face of slight embarrassment. "So, since Suga-hyung doesn't know when you'll be back...do you want to be his birthday surprise?"

"I guessed that you were going to ask that. So yes, I will be. What do you want me to do?"

"I don't have an exact plan yet, but I'll call you tomorrow when you're back and we can discuss it then okay?"

"Yeah okay, I'll see you soon Jiminie!"

"Bye!" I hung up and sighed, opening my laptop once again. According to their website my flight was on time, but you could never be certain. I grabbed my bags and headed for the airport, glad to be returning to my home.

* * *

Two days later I was relaxing at home, watching stuff on TV and eating. Then someone knocked on my door. I got up and walked over, looking through the peephole. I opened it hurriedly when I saw Jimin on the other side. "Hey!" I said cheerily, and he came in.

He hugged me quickly, and I smiled. "I've missed you so much Noona; your laziness, your smile and the fact that you're a little bit shorter than me." I stuck out my tongue at him and then flopped down on my couch, grabbing the bag of chips I'd been eating and chewing loudly.

"So, you're here to talk about Yoongi's birthday surprise?" I said, putting the chips aside. He nodded and I patted the seat next to me. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking that there should be some kind of lead up or distraction. Like Namjoon or Hobi-hyung going over his new lyrics and criticizing them or something."

"Jimin-ah! That's mean coming from you!"

"Did you ever hear about what we did to Jungkook a few years back?" he asked innocently.

"That was horrible, but at least in the end he was happy." I said, crossing my arms.

"Okay fine. Anyways, we'll have to get him out of the room. Then you and I will come in with the cake, we'll shut off the lights. He'll come back in and we'll sing to him, and when the lights turn on...."

"Voila! Y/n appears!" I said cheerily, and he laughed as I added a dramatic flourish.

"Yeah, that's basically what the plan it, except I don't know what to do to get him out of the room." he muttered, writing something down on a small notepad.

"I leave that to you, I'll be there whenever you want me. I just have to avoid Yoongi-oppa...that should be easy."

* * *

Avoiding my boyfriend was very hard. Especially since I really wanted to see him. He called me a few times, and I just pretended that I was still in China. I hated lying. Finally, it was his birthday.

When I woke up I wanted to call him right away, but I didn't. Instead I got dressed in a comfy t-shirt and jeans. I left my hair down and put on a little bit of makeup, nothing too impressive. Yoongi and I were very alike whenever it came to doing anything. Lazy as sin. I grabbed my sweater as I left and threw it on. My phone rang when I stepped outside and I quickly answered it.

"Y/n? Where are you?" Jimin asked.

"Yah, show your noona some respect. I'm walking over now, I'll be there in five minutes." I said, looking around the street.

"Okay, come around the back. I'll let you in, then I'll slip you upstairs noona." I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness.

"Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes." I muttered before quickly crossing the street, heading towards the large building that was my destination.

When I arrived I followed Jimin's instructions and made my way to the back of the building. A door opened and Jimin poked his head out. "Come on! We've got to get upstairs and get the cake ready before Yoongi and Hobi-hyung come back!"

I hurried inside, and he closed the door behind me. "Then let's get to it."

We hurried upstairs, and Jimin pulled me into a room next to the practice room. "We'll wait until Taehyung tells us it's time."

I nodded and listened at the door. Finally, there was a knock and Jimin nodded to me to open it. I was greeted by a smiling Taehyung who helped Jimin light the candles and handed me the cake. "It's good to see you Noona, he'll be so happy. He's been missing you."

We walked into the room, the lights were out and Jimin tapped lightly on the door. J-Hope came back in with Yoongi and the boys all started singing "Happy Birthday". I stayed quiet, but sang to him in my head. Yoongi came closer to me and I grinned as they finished the song. He blew out the candles, but the lights stayed off.

"Jimin! Why won't you give him his surprise?" Jungkook whined. Jimin sighed before he flicked the switch. We all blinked a few times and then Yoongi stared at me.

"Y...y/n?" he said, surprised. I smiled and nodded and J-Hope took the cake from me, then I threw my arms around him. "I thought you didn't come back until later this month!" he said as he spun me around in a circle.

"I came back a week ago, I couldn't tell you." I whispered and he buried his head in my neck.

"Oh god I missed you." I pulled away from him and looked over at the others. J-Hope held out the cake, and Yoongi smiled. "Hungry?"

"You know I'm always starving." I said with a smile, and Yoongi cut the cake. Everyone ate it bit by bit, and when it was over, Yoongi and I sat on the small couch in the practice room.

"I don't think you know how often I wanted to get on a plane and fly to China, just to be able to hold you." I smiled and moved closer to him. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into him. I looked up at him and his eyes flicked down at my lips then back up to my eyes.

"Just kiss me already you idiot." I muttered, and he smiled. His hand came behind my head and pulled me closer to his face as he pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Then clapping came from the other side of the room and we pulled apart to look over at Jin and Jimin. Yoongi glared at them while I just looked bored. Jin looked down while Jimin just smirked at me.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" Yoongi asked, and Jin dragged Jimin out of the practice room. "Sorry about them." he said, sighing.

"It's fine, maybe someday they'll be as lucky as you." I muttered before kissing him again.

"Yeah," he whispered against my lips, "maybe one day."

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