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Word Count: 762

A bit angsty, just a heads up

Jungkook shivered as he walked down the street, the rain soaking through his thin grey hoodie as he moved quickly towards the apartment complex. He tugged harshly on the fire escape ladder and began to climb up the wet metal, slipping only once as he climbed from floor to floor, trying desperately to reach his boyfriend's apartment window.

It had all happened so suddenly, and Jungkook felt horrible for even daring to leave the apartment after all that had occurred. One minute everything had been ok, sturdy and stable. The next Jungkook was out in the rain nearly sobbing as he rushed up the wet fire escape, desperate to reach Hoseok and try to fix what was happening.

The window was barely opened due to the downpour outside, but Jungkook rushed to push it up and slip inside the warm and dry apartment, slamming it closed before looking around desperately for his boyfriend. His clothes were drenched and his hair was damp and laying on his face but he didn't care.

He tugged off his hoodie and shook out his hair as he ran through the apartment, throwing open one door after another and calling for his boyfriend. When he reached Hoseok's bedroom he saw a faint light under the door and knocked lightly. "Seokie? Let me in, please hyung."

Jungkook tried the door, and when it opened he pushed through and raced over to Hoseok's side. The older boy was curled up under his blankets, just laying on his side and phone abandoned in front of him, untouched after texting Jungkook twenty minutes earlier. 

"Hyung...please let me help."

Hoseok looked up at Jungkook, soaking wet with tears in his eyes and that worried expression on his face that made anyone feel guilty. 

"Jungkookie, you can't help. I'm just numb, there's nothing to be done."

Jungkook sat next to the older boy, gently running a hand through Hoseok's soft hair, trying to calm himself before speaking. 

"I can still try, let me try..." 

"Jungkook, it's fine."

"No it's not." Jungkook's voice hardened, anger present at his boyfriend's stubborn nature. "I... just stay put ok? I'll be right back."

Jungkook raced out into the hall and grabbed Hoseok's laptop and charger, then grabbed extra pillows from the couch and headed back into the room. He sat down next to Hoseok and slowly propped the older boy up so he was in more of a sitting position. Then he opened the laptop and quickly began to write up a message. 

"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked, his voice a monotone hum. 

"I'm booking you a doctor's appointment. This can't continue, you stress yourself to the point of breaking and then you crash. Anxiety is killing you and then you get depressed. You don't talk to me....you scare me when you're like this."

Jungkook wiped the tears from his eyes and let out a small sniffle as he tried to keep his composure. 

"You worry me because you're not yourself, and in the past you don't remember what you've done. I see the pain, the hurt you cause to yourself and I can't bear to see it for another day."

At this point Jungkook had to stop, his lip trembled and tears pooled in the corner of his eyes. Hoseok looked up and saw him and gently reached up a hand to touch his face. But it wasn't the same loving touch Jungkook was used to from his boyfriend. It was a touch of pity, and it made Jungkook break down into sobs.

Hoseok slowly took the crying Jungkook into his arms and lay with him, kissing the top of his head and rubbing the younger's back in hope of soothing his cries. Slowly the smaller boy began to breathe more regularly. 

"Jungkookie, I'll do it." 

The smaller boy gasped and looked up at his boyfriend, his eyes shining. "You really mean it?"

"Yeah, if it really means that much to you."

Jungkook hugged Hoseok tightly, almost to the point of hurting him. "Bunny, you need to let go I'm gonna die."

"Nooooo, don't leave me. Promise me you'll never leave."

"I promise bunny. Now let's book the appointment later, right now I need some quality time with my boyfriend." Jungkook suddenly got up and grabbed all the extra things he had gotten earlier.

He moved about setting out blankets and pillows, all surrounding the laptop in the middle. He had brought snacks and a couple drinks which were placed aside. 

"Movie night and cuddles?" the younger asked softly, and Hoseok nearly melted at the smaller boy's care. 

"Sounds perfect baby."

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