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Word Count: 1101

*Warning* Mentions of attempted suicide, cheating, and all around angst. If you are easily triggered or are bothered by these things please skip the chapter

You deserve the world 

Jimin huffed as he shoved his phone in his pocket, moving down the street at a fast pace. He was done, with everything. His life, his supposed friends, his family, and his health. He wanted to throw it all out the window.

Hot tears rolled down Jimin's face as he picked up his pace and began to run, sprinting through side streets until he reached his apartment. When he got there he slammed the door shut behind him and locked it tight. Then he threw the key across the room and let out a scream.

It was all too much, and he was exhausted. He didn't want to deal with this anymore. His fingers gripped his hair as he sat on the floor and cried. Sobs racked his body as he screamed and writhed on the floor.

Eventually he pulled out his phone and opened it, sobbing as he looked at his conversations with his friends.


JK: hey

Chimchim: hii, what's wrong?

JK: I just... i need to be honest

JK: I've been seeing Taehyung

JK: I'm so sorry

Chimchim: that's where you've been going?

JK: yeah

JK: please don't be mad baby

JK: still want you

JK: i was drunk, i fucked up

JK: let me make it up to you

Chimchim: jungkook no

Chimchim: leave me alone

Chimchim: go see V

Chimchim: i'm sure he can help you out

Now there were more messages from Jungkook, pleads and apologies. Jimin got up and stalked into the living room. He grabbed the pictures of him and Jungkook and tore them. He continued into his room and began to throw picture frames and eventually sobbed into his sheets.

Jungkook knew how sensitive he was. He knew about everything Hoseok had done to Jimin, and how much it had broken the younger boy. Jungkook knew he was one step from falling off the edge, and the only thing holding him back was the relationship that they had both so treasured. Jungkook had been there and pulled him off the ledge, quite literally. Yet he threw it away so easily.

It wasn't rare for Jungkook to go out with Taehyung, they went out nearly every week, often times getting drunk but never going past that. Both of the boys were good friends of Jimin and knew how sensitive his past had been. But now he just saw them as more antagonists, more people set to hurt him. It was pushing him past the edge, and he was ready to jump again.

Back on the rooftop, looking down at the moving cars. The sidewalk was clear and the day was gloomy, as if to fit Jimin's mood. He moved to jump, fall, end. But then an arm had pulled him back, pressing his back to someone's chest. A tight hug, tears falling from his eyes at his failures, comforting words in his ear. But in his mind that wasn't happening, he was falling, succeeding. It was all he could do now.

Once he had calmed down, he got up and made his way to the bathroom. He started a bath for himself and gathered a few supplies. When it was done he sat in the water and grabbed the letter Jungkook had first written to him as a confession. He also picked up his lighter and set fire to the corner of the letter, watching his words burn away to ashes. Jimin continued this with photos and notes until there was a small pile of ashes on the floor, then he dropped the lighter and looked up at the ceiling.

The water flowed around him, swirling and moving as he relaxed into it

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The water flowed around him, swirling and moving as he relaxed into it. Then he moved his face down so his mouth was covered. It was so relaxing, it could be a way out. It all seemed so simple. So he lowered himself deeper into the water. Until his face was submerged and his hair floated around his face. He slowly let out his air and then forced himself to stay down. The urge to surface and take in another breath burned in his lungs, but he knew it would pass.

Until a hand tugged his body up and he gasped and started choking while he heard a rougher voice yelling his name

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Until a hand tugged his body up and he gasped and started choking while he heard a rougher voice yelling his name. "Jimin what the fuck are you doing?" He began coughing violently into the other's chest, gripping their shirt as he shook and his body tried to expel the water from his lungs. A strong hand came down on his back, helping him cough up more water.

"Jimin, breathe. It's ok." The voice slowly cleared, and as Jimin inhaled air rather than water he recognized it as his roommate, Min Yoongi. Dark spots clouded his vision and he fell into Yoongi's chest, who quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy who was starting to shiver from the cold water of the bath he had run.

Once Jimin had calmed down, Yoongi carried him into his bedroom. The younger had never entered the room and was shocked to see how warm and welcoming it seemed. The bed was soft and the walls were decorated with photos of Yoongi's family and friends, as well as momentos and history that Jimin wasn't privy to. His attention was drawn back to Yoongi when the elder tried to tug off the tank top which was almost stuck to Jimin's skin. "Do you want to talk about why you were about to throw yourself off the world?"

Jimin looked away guiltily and Yoongi sighed. "Jungkook was cheating on me, told me today." The older of the boys knelt in front of the younger and slowly pulled off the shirt. Once it was off Yoongi replaced it with one of his own large black sweaters. "I'm sorry Jimin, you deserve better. Remember I'm always here if you want to talk." Jimin nodded and Yoongi continued to help him and slowly got him dressed and fed, until they found themselves back in the older's bed, laying there and slowly falling asleep with an uncertain future awaiting them both.

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