Jimin x Reader

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Word Count: 4290

Sorry this one is a long one

I was exhausted. Jimin wasn't with me, and I was being forced to shop with a bunch of people I didn't know. "Are you texting Jimin-oppa again?" one of the girls asked as I pulled out my phone.

"Aniyo, I'm going to listen to some music. You guys take too long."

Another girl laughed and looked over as I shoved my earbuds into my ears. "Aish Y/n. You'll see him soon enough. We'll get you back to BigHit once we find you a proper dress for that event he asked you to."

I pressed play and BTS music blasted into my head. I grinned and the others rolled their eyes. We continued through the store and finally they had all picked out a dress each. I was then taken to a change room and began trying them on.

Many of them I looked at and instantly shot them down. They were colours I'd rather be buried in and they knew that I preferred to wear blues, greys or black. So the few pink ones there I quickly tried on and then put them off to the side. The afternoon dragged on and then I picked up one dress that caught my eye. It was black and stopped just above my knees. It had small straps that clung to the sides of my shoulders. I could still move my arms though. I stepped out to show the girls and they all gasped.

"Y/n! It's perfect!" I smiled and all the other girls agreed that it was the dress. I got changed back into my normal clothes and came out with the dress. We quickly paid for the dress and then piled into one of the girl's cars.

When Jimin had asked me to this event, Taehyung had told me it was a big deal and that he would send me some help. While the girls were nice, we didn't agree on much. They dropped me off outside my apartment to quickly put the dress inside. Then I went back to the car and they drove me to BigHit studios. I pulled out my phone and called Taehyung, my best friend.

"Yah, Y/n! How's the shopping?" I smiled when he answered, he always sounded so cheerful.

"Done. I'm coming over now. Are you guys free?" I heard yelling in the background, and immediately recognized Jimin and J-Hope.

They were arguing playfully, but I still wanted them to stop, mainly because I couldn't hear Taehyung very well. "Yeah we're free, how close are you?"

I looked out the window. "We're pulling into the parking lot now, I'll be up in a minute. Tell Jimin to stop arguing, it doesn't suit him." Taehyung yelled my message at Jimin and then I quickly said goodbye to the girls as I got out of the car and ran up the steps. "I'm here." I told Taehyung as I entered the building.

"I'm coming down to get you, stay in the lobby." The line went dead and I waited for a minute. The elevator opened and a smiling Taehyung waved me over. I ran into the elevator and hugged him tightly. "Y/n! You're crushing me." I let go and smiled up at him.

"Mianhae. I've missed my best friend." He grinned and kissed my forehead.

"Well your boyfriend's waiting upstairs, and he doesn't know you're here so this should be fun." I pushed Taehyung's shoulder lightly. He and Jimin had been friends longer than we had, and he'd set us up together.

"Why didn't you tell him that it was me on the phone?" I said, laughing.

"Because I want to see Jimin's face." The elevator door opened with a small "ding" and I quickly composed myself. "He thinks you get in sometime today, he didn't know that I brought you over here two days ago." Taehyung explained as he led me to the practice room. Inside, everyone was lounging about and talking.

I waited outside, and watched in the reflection of the mirrors as he walked over to where Jimin and J-Hope were talking. "Hyung, I've got a surprise for you." Taehyung said, giving Jimin some snack he had gotten him earlier. Jimin smiled and thanked him, then Taehyung waved me in. "No, this is your surprise."

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