
67 1 0

Word Count: 1262


It had been a long night for both criminals as they sat at the dark table. Both waiting patiently as others bragged about what they had committed that night or in the past few nights. The tall man sat at the head of the table quietly, listening to each report and nodding along as he pretended to be interested in petty crime.

A smaller man sat opposite, fingers tapping the table with less patience in desperation to speak out about what crime he had committed. He so desperately wanted to impress, especially since the tall man sitting across from him often rewarded the most devious criminal in whatever way they wanted.

Finally it was the smaller male's turn and he stood up, a grin passing over his lips as he prepared to speak. "Min Yoongi, I infiltrated Jeon Enterprises and am working on moving out four million dollars through electronic transfers and hacks."

The man opposite him straightened and leaned forward, looking at him with interest. "Well then, adventurous are we? I would like to speak with you later in private Min Yoongi." 

Yoongi nodded and grinned, licking his chapped lips and sitting back down. He was excited and it was fairly clear that he was trying to contain it. However he was failing miserably. His smile showed off his gums and he couldn't wipe it off his face. 

Soon after the meeting concluded, and each person rose from the table to go to their respective cars or rooms to rest for the night before continuing their strenuous jobs. Yoongi rose and followed the taller man into a small office. It was stylish and had a large oak desk which the tall man sat behind. "My my, Min Yoongi it's been a while."

"Kim Namjoon. Have you missed me?"

Namjoon stood up and leaned across the desk. His eyes were filled with several emotions: anger, passion, sadness, and a deep hunger. Yoongi felt his stomach drop but he kept his innocent smile on as he knew what could be awaiting him.

"Have I missed you? I spent two weeks searching for you! You up and left, leaving me here to run this shit. I was alone, I thought you were dead. I thought someone had got to you and that I was to blame. I knew bringing you into this life would be dangerous, and I didn't want the blood of someone else I love on my hands..."

Yoongi sat there, his eyes wide as Namjoon's chest heaved up and down. His pupils were blown wide and in some ways the smaller male was frightened. But this was his Namjoon, and that was what mattered in his mind. 

He moved forward and pressed his lips against Namjoon's, their kiss immediately devouring any resentment and anger. All that mattered was their love. The world could keep spinning around them and they wouldn't move.

Eventually they pulled away, but Yoongi almost immediately reattached his lips to the taller male's. They were addictive, and he had missed this as much as Namjoon had. He moved to cup Namjoon's face, but his hand was slapped away. 

Yoongi had always been the submissive bottom in this relationship, and Namjoon wasn't going to let that change now. He pushed the smaller boy up against his desk and quickly cupped his chin with his hand, pushing his lips against Yoongi's rather forcefully.

His tongue was quick to invade Yoongi's mouth, and the smaller man moaned softly as he completely submitted to Namjoon's will. The men continued to kiss fiercely, both trying to make up for lost time.

"I'm sorry Namjoon..."

"Save it for later."

"I missed you."

The taller gazed into Yoongi's soft eyes and smiled. "I missed you too baby boy."

"Please...let me make it up to you."

Namjoon nodded and guided Yoongi behind his desk, sitting in his desk chair. The taller leaned back and Yoongi quickly knelt in front of him, looking up at him with his eyes wide and pupils dilated. 

"Baby boy get to work."

"Yes Master."

Yoongi's hands reached up and unzipped Namjoon's pants, his hands shaking as the taller helped him pull down the pants and then the boxers covering Namjoon's large member. Yoongi always considered himself lucky with the man he had found, especially when it came to sex.

"Suck me off baby boy."

Yoongi left small kitten licks up and down Namjoon's member, making the taller groan and grab a fistful of the smaller's hair.

"Don't tease Yoongi, or I'll punish you."

"Yes Master."

The smaller immediately engulfed Namjoon's member in his mouth, pushing all the way down and sucking hard before pulling back off. He continued this pattern, watching Namjoon's expression shift to one of pleasure as moans escaped his lips and he threw his head back. His hand still stayed at the back of Yoongi's head as he guided the smaller male.

Eventually Namjoon pulled Yoongi off of him and watched as the smaller male gasped for breath, before picking him up and bending him over the desk. He opened the top desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube.

"Still keep it there?" Yoongi asked softly as he heard the cap open and felt Namjoon pull down his pants, exposing his bare ass to the cold air of the room.

"Of course, not moving that. Office sex with you is always the best."

Namjoon slowly slid a finger inside Yoongi, the lube helping the smaller male relax as he realized that he was being prepped. After adding a second finger and then a third, Yoongi was moaning softly as Namjoon pressed against his insides, still knowing all the right places to make him feel good. Except he kept brushing past the best spot, and Yoongi whined each time Namjoon missed.

Finally, the taller male pulled out his fingers and instead poured lube onto his member before lining it up with Yoongi's soft ass.

"Ready baby boy? I'm going to be rough with you for leaving me like that."

Yoongi nodded, and Namjoon pushed into the tight heat not bothering to let the smaller boy adjust to his size. He didn't wait to begin thrusting his hips hard and fast, pounding the smaller boy on the desk so his body moved with each thrust, his moans and screams bouncing across the walls as he was pleasured.

Namjoon angled his hips as he continued and began hitting Yoongi's most pleasurable spot with each thrust, watching the man's mouth fall open as his fingers tried to find a spot to grab above his head. His moans increased in volume and he began to tighten around Namjoon who groaned and leaned forward over the smaller man.

"Baby boy you're so tight. Are you getting close?"

Yoongi couldn't even speak, he just nodded and moaned as Namjoon wrapped his hand around his member and began moving his wrist in time with his hips. 

"M..master, fuck...can...can I cum..please?" Yoongi stuttered out as he felt himself reaching his climax. 

"Of course baby boy."

Yoongi's vision nearly went white as he released and came all over Namjoon's hand, clenching around the large member inside of him which caused Namjoon to curse and quickly followed with his own release inside the smaller boy.

Both men were panting heavily as Namjoon pulled out of Yoongi and helped him onto his lap, stroking his back and pressing light kisses to his forehead.

"Stay with me Yoongi, I can't lose you again."

"I will, I love you Namjoon." Yoongi whispered before drifting off to sleep in Namjoon's arms.

"I love you too baby boy, and I will keep you safe I promise."


Whelp, that's the first time I've ever written smut, apologies if it's horrible. I promise more nice chapters soon!

- Em ;)

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