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Word Count: 1001

It was hard being the city's guardian, especially when your best friend was the person planning its destruction. Jungkook sighed as he flipped through a bunch of case files on his desk of recent attacks and disturbances. This really had to stop soon.

His cellphone buzzed in his pocket and he groaned, pulling it out and checking the messages that he had received. 

V: Bring your car and meet me by the farm.

Jungkook stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Hey Jungkook where are you going?"

"I think I got a lead on V, I'm going to go check it out. I shouldn't be back late."

The other officer shook his head and sighed. "You know you always seem to get these leads and you get there but he's already gone. I hope your luck improves one day."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and nodded. "Thanks Namjoon, really needed the honesty right now."

Namjoon shrugged and turned back to his partner Yoongi who just shrugged at Jungkook and didn't even appear apologetic. Jungkook huffed and stormed out. It was going to be a long fucking night. 

*        *        *

When he pulled his car up to the farm, Jungkook didn't know what to expect except for something bad. When he saw the silo burning he sighed and nodded to himself. Taehyung was like this, now all he had to do was find the damn maniac and bring him home.

A hand landed on the passenger door and Jungkook jumped. Taehyung bent down and grinned at him, his eyes a little wild as he fixed his jacket and opened the door. "Hi Jungkookie~"

"Fucking hell Taehyung."

"Language." The elder said with a warning tone.

Jungkook sighed and crossed his arms, leaning his head against the steering wheel until he had composed himself and was able to face the older properly and professionally. "I'm considering taking you in for this one."

Taehyung immediately pouted and crossed his arms, looking down at his boots which were caked in mud. "You know I can't control it Kookie..." 

"I know hyung, but this can't keep happening. I promise I'll cover for you and you'll only face the arson charge. Did you leave the brand?"

"No. Was waiting until you got here to do that." he muttered, watching his feet tap together and grinning to himself as they moved to some rhythm in his head. 

"You're not doing it. Let's go home, then I'll take you in." Taehyung huffed and stretched his arms out. Jungkook quickly shifted gears and pulled away from the burning farm, thankful that V had picked an uninhabited place this time. 

*        *        *

"Ow! Hey that hurts."

"Well maybe next time you won't be such a dumbass." 

"It's just a cut."

"Taehyung your arm is being stitched together that's not a cut."

The elder stuck out his tongue, but then quickly pulled it back in as he winced at the pain from the stitching. When Jungkook had taken him home and began cleaning him up he noticed the cut on Taehyung's upper arm. He hadn't even questioned it and instead tried patching it up like he always did.

Except this time the wound wouldn't close, and it kept bleeding through the bandages. So now they were in the ER, with Taehyung's arm getting stitched up and Jungkook growing increasingly impatient with V, the alternate side of his roommate and friend.

They had met in college, and Taehyung had already been into petty crime then. Shoplifting and break-ins, the like. However, it was all to his benefit as his newfound best friend was training to be a cop. Jungkook always ended up helping out Taehyung out, mainly because he realized that Taehyung and the actual criminal V were not the same person.

V was Taehyung's alternate self. It wasn't often that V showed himself, but when he did it was very hard for Jungkook to talk him down from a plan or situation he often got involved in. It didn't help that due to his activity he had become notorious in the city for wanting to cause destruction and overall being just disruptive. It was Jungkook's personal assignment to find and bring V to justice. But he never could, especially when he knew how innocent Taehyung would fare in prison. 

So he protected the boy, invited the elder to live with him. Taehyung was helpful and often worked around the house. He cooked and cleaned and did most of his professional work from the apartment so he wouldn't be out and about. It was more likely for V to come out in a public setting anyways so they both decided not to risk it. 

Now Taehyung would have to pay the price for V's stupid choices. Here he was getting his arm sewn shut because of one of V's decisions. Apparently once the fire had been set, V had been climbing out of the silo and had jumped, which resulted in him landing hard on the ground and the damage to Taehyung's arm had occured. 

"Jungkookie...I'm sorry." Taehyung mumbled, watching as the excess blood was cleaned up and the stitches were clear and clean. 

"It's alright hyung, you keep scaring me though." 

"Can you just tell your boss? Why can't you be honest and tell them?"

"Because..." Jungkook trailed off, looking deep into Taehyung's eyes. "Because I love you hyung, and I could never forgive myself for locking you up."

Taehyung's expression softened, and he smiled his boxy smile that always melted Jungkook's heart. 

"I love you too Kookie, always."

Jungkook leaned forward and embraced the older boy in a tight hug, never wanting to let go. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck and inhaled slowly, taking in the scents of smoke, grass and most importantly Taehyung himself. It was all so wonderful that Jungkook just couldn't help but smile. Despite the fact that he would have to consistently defend and hide Taehyung, it would be worth it.

"Stay with me Taehyungie." 

"Of course bunny, not going anywhere."

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