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Word Count: 497

Yoongi was rushing around the dorm, throwing his clothes around the room as he desperately tried to find his keys for the studio.

"Fuck! Where did they go?"

Hoseok walked slowly through the doorway of Yoongi's room, only to catch a flying shirt and then the following pillow.

"Hey, need any help?" he asked, placing the items on the floor before walking over to his boyfriend's side.

Yoongi did not look good. His hair was a mess, his face was red and he seemed close to tears. He sat on the bed with his head in his hands. He let out a low sigh and groaned, tugging at his dark hair. 

The younger man slowly sat down next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He knew that Yoongi had recently been stressing out over the new songs he had to finish producing with a very short deadline presented to him by the company.

Hoseok sat on the bed next to him, gently running his hand up and down his back trying to help him calm down. 

"I'll help you babe don't worry."

"I can't just fucking lose my keys! What the hell is wrong with me?"

Yoongi was stressed due to the upcoming album release and he had been going through every song meticulously to make sure every part was correct to his vision. Apparently there was still a lot to be done and he had been in the studio for the past few weeks almost 24/7.

Needless to say Hoseok was worried about the older boy, as when he got into this state it would be very hard to get him out until after the album and promotions were done, and considering how much bigger the band had gotten those periods had continued to grow in duration.

Slowly, the younger male stood up and moved over to Yoongi's jeans he had tossed off last night on the floor and slowly dug through the pockets. He felt something metallic between his fingers and grinned to himself. 

He spun around and handed the keys to Yoongi who groaned and fell back on his bed.

"Babe, you need to calm down and just think things through sometimes. You were exhausted last night and didn't even change so no wonder you left them there."

Yoongi got up and pecked Hoseok on the cheek before going to the bathroom to get ready before he had to leave for the studio.

*        *        *

The next day, things went much more smoothly in the morning, and Yoongi was heading off for the studio again but this time Hoseok was waiting at the front door.

"Have you forgotten anything babe?"

Yoongi blinked, stopped, then smirked and pressed his lips against Hoseok's. The younger was shocked but quickly melted into the soft kiss.

They pulled apart and Hoseok held up Yoongi's wallet.

"I meant this, but thank you."

Yoongi chuckled and grabbed his wallet before leaving with a final goodbye kiss to Hoseok and then heading out with a huge grin plastered to his face.


I'm sorry it's so short!!! Please if you have any requests let me know. I want to write what you all want to read.

- Em ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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