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WARNING: DD/LG CONTENT, if you don't approve please skip, otherwise just fluff feat. Yoonmin (I am Yoonmin trash)

Word Count: 803

Jin was having a rough time, Namjoon could see it all over his face. Trying to simply relax was hard when there was screaming and laughter all around. It was nice to see for a bit, but the other boys couldn't see how hard it was on the eldest (except for Yoongi who had already gone to sleep after seeing how loud the others were being).

Out of them all, Taehyung and Hoseok were the worst. Jimin had gone to see Yoongi after the elder went to bed, and Jungkook was just a bit quieter. The three were playing video games on the TV and yelling at both each other and the game. Jin was rubbing his temples, a strong headache coming over him, the yelling not helping in the slightest.

He moved past Namjoon and walked towards his room but stopped short at the entrance of the hallway. The leader noticed the eldest standing there and quickly moved to his side. He tapped the boy on the shoulder and he didn't even flinch.

"Hyung? Hey talk to me." Jin looked at Namjoon with a dazed expression, and the leader immediately knew what was happening.

Jin's lip began to quiver and Namjoon rushed him into his bedroom before Jin broke out into wailing sobs, clinging to the leader as his body shook from the force of his crying. Namjoon held the little close to him and slowly rubbed circles into his back and hips. Once Jin's crying had been reduced to whimpers and sniffles Namjoon kissed the top of his head.

"Hey little one, what's wrong?"

"Head hurts..." Jin whined, "all hurts."

Namjoon nodding in understanding and kissed the elder boy's forehead. He had a slight fever and probably a sore throat from the crying on top of the coughing fits that had occurred throughout the past few days.

"Let's get you changed first baby, then we'll get some medicine to help you feel better."

Jin nodded and raised his arms above his head, allowing Namjoon to slip off his shirt and replace it with an oversized pink hoodie. The caregiver also shimmied off Jin's jeans and handed him little dino boxers to change into, turning around as he knew his little was very shy. Once he was done, Namjoon pulled some gym shorts onto the elder and then carried him into the kitchen.

He sat Jin on the counter and gave him a quick kiss to the forehead before grabbing a bottle full of grape flavoured cough medicine, pouring the correct amount into the small cup which usually covered the cap of the bottle. He handed the cup to Jin who took it with both hands.

"Drink it baby, it'll help your throat feel better."

Jin tipped the cup once it touched his lips and slowly drank the medicine. Namjoon smiled once he finished and took the cup back, putting everything away before turning back to the little.

"So little one, is there anything else you want before we go to bed?"

Jin looked up at Namjoon with his big doe eyes, confused and now drowsy due to the medicine. "Milk?"

"Of course little one, I'll get you milk."

Namjoon quickly set about preparing a bottle for the little, and just as he handed the warm bottle to the sleepy little a cough was heard behind him. The leader turned around to see Yoongi standing there with a half asleep Jimin clinging to his front like a koala.

"Can you get me Jimin's bottle? I'll fill it, just can't reach that high right now." the older rapper muttered while trying to get the dancer off him long enough to make up a bottle.

"Sure hyung. Too loud for him too?" Yoongi shrugged and gently placed Jimin on the floor, a soft whine of despair leaving the smallest boy's lips.

"I know baby, give me one minute yeah?" Jimin nodded and shoved his thumb into his mouth before Yoongi could tell him not to.

Namjoon grinned and went over to Jin who was gently suckling on the bottle, his eyes drooping even further. The leader slowly picked up the little and said a quick good night to the other two in the room, before leaving with Jin to the his bedroom. Once they got there he lay Jin on the bed and changed into night clothes, before climbing into the bed and snuggling with the little who was slowly falling asleep after finishing his bottle.

"Good night Daddy."

"Good night my prince, sweet dreams." Namjoon whispered as Jin turned to grip his shirt and look up at him.

"Kisses?" Namjoon nodded and leaned down to peck Jin's plump lips a few times and one lasting kiss to his forehead.

"Thank you, nigh' night." Jin murmured before drifting off into dreamland.

"Good night baby."

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