Hoseok x Reader

42 2 0

Word Count: 685

The morning started off with blood, pain and pills. Hoseok woke up and noticed that Y/n wasn't next to him, and the duvet was thrown all the way back. He quickly got up and made his way to the kitchen.

Y/n was standing at the counter, a small glass of water next to her. He saw her throw her head back and swallow something before drinking a large amount of water and exhaling sharply. 

"Hey, are you okay?"

Her hands were gripping the counter so hard that her knuckles were white.

"I'm fine...sorry I should have gone home yesterday."

"No, here let me help you."

"Don't..." Hoseok gently pulled her hands from the counter and wrapped his arms around her.

She shuddered and let out a slow breath, and let Hoseok guide her to the couch. She sat down and immediately curled into a fetus position, her hands gently rubbing over her stomach.

Hoseok stood there not knowing what to do, nor what was happening.

"Jagiya...what's wrong?"

Her eyes seemed to pierce into Hoseok's soul. He had never seen her so quick to anger or frustration.

"It's my time of the month."


"There is blood pouring out of me and my cramps are killing me please just sit here and rub my back or just give me space!"

Hoseok's eyes widened and he slowly sat down next to Y/n. His hands moved gently up and down her back, rubbing out small spots of tension and watching for any signs of more intense pain.

He remembered when his sister used to be like this and had a few horror stories of when he had angered her by teasing or eating the food she had requested. 

That was why now he was barely moving as Y/n shifted and grabbed the remote for the television, switching it on and then laying in silence.

*        *        *


The dancer raced into the living room to find Y/n sitting up. She had fallen asleep after laying down and he had taken the time to try and prepare things for her.

"Yes jagi?"

"Can I please have food?"

He smiled and nodded, walking back into the kitchen and bringing out a bowl of Budae Jjigae. Her eyes lit up and she moved into a more comfortable sitting position before accepting the bowl.

"Thank you." Y/n's voice was soft and much closer to what Hoseok was used to. He smiled and they sat together and ate in the soft peace of the apartment, something that was rare due to the six other boys that normally lived there.

Just thinking of his bandmates made Hoseok panic for a moment, but he quickly relaxed against Y/n and let her head rest against his shoulder.

*         *        *

The apartment door was thrown open as the maknae line raced into the room arguing about who would get to shower first. Y/n groaned and pushed into Hoseok's side, waiting for the loud men to leave.

"Aish! Just go." Suga complained from the doorway and the three scampered off. The rest of the hyung line entered the room and sat down on the different couches.

"Feeling ok Y/n?" Jin asked, and she nodded.

"Sorry about the brats, they'll learn one day."

She waved her hand in a brushing away motion, but still staying very quiet.

"I think right now we should all just rest. It's been a long day for all of us." Namjoon muttered before turning on the television and sitting in the soft silence.

*        *        *

Hoseok dropped Y/n off at her apartment building later that night, walking her upstairs to her door before pecking her on the cheek and turning to leave.


He turned back around, looking at Y/n's small frame as she stood in the door way.

"I wanted to thank you...not many people would put up with me like you did today."

Hoseok moved closer and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head before quietly answering.

"I don't put up with you. I take care of you, and I intend to keep doing that."

With that he left another few kisses across her face and waited until she was safely shut in her apartment to leave. Hopefully the next time would be less stressful.

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