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Word Count: 1141

WARNING: DD/LG CONTENT, if you do not approve please skip this chapter. ALSO GAYNESS

It all went downhill when Yoongi got Jimin in the car. For the first twenty minutes the little kept himself entertained by reading his story books out loud, but then Jimin noticed that he was hungry.

"Daddy, want o's." he mumbled, and Yoongi groaned inwardly. The snacks were all in the back seat, and he was getting on the highway.

"Okay baby, give me a few minutes." Jimin did not like that answer, and began to whine and squirm in his seat. Yoongi was not having any of it, especially since this car ride was for Jimin. "If you keep being bad, no stuffies when we get to Taehyung's house."

Jimin then began to pout, crossing his arms and jutting out his bottom lip. He stared out the car window, sniffling every so often. Yoongi groaned inwardly, and once he was safely on the highway he reached behind him and grabbed the container of Cheerios.

"Here you go baby. Daddy was just being safe okay?" Jimin looked at the container and gently took them, not thanking Yoongi and once again facing the window.

Yoongi sighed, when Jimin acted like a brat it could be hard to not snap at the little. But over time the older had learned to have a large amount of patience with his little boy. So to clear the air and let Jimin relax a bit more, Yoongi put on his favourite album of songs.

Suddenly the little perked up as "Yellow Submarine" came on and he started singing along cheerfully. Yoongi smiled to himself, feeling mildly accomplished.

The rest of the drive went pretty well, with Jimin singing and munching on his cereal. As soon as they arrived at Taehyung's house, the little tried to unbuckle himself and sprint to the front door, but Yoongi kept the doors locked and Jimin huffed.

"Baby, come on. I just want to talk." The little looked over at his caregiver, who looked at him worriedly. When Jimin refused to talk he was usually pretty mad, and Yoongi wouldn't forgive himself if he made his little boy angry.

"Daddy no mad at Jiminie?" he asked softly, and Yoongi shook his head, ruffling the little's hair and giving him a gummy smile. Jimin returned the smile, his eyes turning to crescents.

Yoongi pointed to his cheek, and Jimin hurried to climb over the center of the car and press a kiss on his cheek. The older smiled and kissed Jimin's forehead in return before unlocking the door and letting Jimin run out towards the front door.

He rang the doorbell and waited patiently as Yoongi came up behind him. The pounding of little feet could be heard behind the door and it was flung open by Jimin's little friend Jungkook. "JIMINIE!!!!!" he screamed and they hugged before running off to play.

Yoongi sighed and lifted the bag on his shoulder, Taehyung coming downstairs and smiling at him, inviting him in. "How are you hyung?"

"Aish, I'm okay. Jimin almost had a meltdown on the way over but everything's going okay. He just might be a bit-" a cry cut through the air and Yoongi sighed, "sensitive."

Both caregivers rushed to the playroom where Jimin was crying and Jungkook looked annoyed and worried. The littles raced to their daddies and sat on their laps. Yoongi gently caressed Jimin's back as he hiccuped from crying.

"Shh, baby tell me what's wrong." Jimin shook his head and clung to Yoongi's shirt, fisting it and pulling it to his eyes to wipe at them furiously.

Jungkook was sitting on Taehyung's lap, whispering the whole story to him. The older nodded and rubbed the little's back, frowning down at him. "Okay Kookie, we talked about this. For now we'll go put on a movie, and then Jiminie can join us in a bit okay?"

The little nodded and shoved his pacifier in his mouth, then he picked up a stuffie from the floor and walked over to Jimin. "Sowwy Minnie."

Jimin looked at Jungkook, and the youngest held out Jimin's pacifier. The teary-eyed boy nodded and grabbed it, fisting it into his mouth before clinging back to Yoongi. Jungkook then left with Taehyung, and Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin's head.

"Minnie? Baby boy? What happened darling?" Jimin sniveled and looked up at Yoongi, his eyes wet.

"K-kookie said I was-wasn't pretty. H-he said t-that Taehyung w-was a b-b-better Daddy than you." Jimin looked at Yoongi with hurt eyes. "He also c-called me ch-chubby."

With that Jimin burst into tears again, and Yoongi swore to all the powers that be that Jimin was exaggerating. The younger was very sensitive when it came to his body and weight. Yoongi lay Jimin down on the play mat and took out his pacifier, leaving it on the floor.

"Baby, don't listen to Kookie. You're beautiful, no matter what." He gently pulled up Jimin's shirt and pressed a kiss to his belly button. "Especially here." Yoongi continued to kiss him everywhere on his stomach. "All of here darling."

Taehyung came to the door and cleared his throat. Yoongi looked up and Jimin quickly clambered back into his lap. "Minnie, are you okay?"

Jimin nodded and looked around the floor. "Paci..." Yoongi grabbed it and handed it to his baby.

"Darling do you want your stuffie? I have Mr. Snuggles." Taehyung gave him his bag and a ragged looking horse stuffie was pulled out and handed to the little, who took it graciously.

"Kookie will give you a proper apology later, for now we're watching Peter Pan do you want to join?" Jimin nodded quickly and jumped up from Yoongi's lap, racing off to the living room.

Yoongi sighed and walked into the living room with Taehyung, watching as Jimin plopped himself down on the sofa, pacifier stuck surely in his mouth, eyes glued to the cartoon. Both caregivers chuckled and sat next to their respective littles.

Jimin looked up at Yoongi with big eyes. "Daddy sleepover?"

The eldest chuckled, he had expected this, which is why he'd started bringing the overnight bag full of little stuff. "You have to ask Taehyung, baby."

Taehyung looked over at the mention of his name and smiled. "Tae-tae, can we sweep o'er?" Jimin asked, voice already slurred from tiredness. He always got tired after a meltdown.

Yoongi and Taehyung winked at each other, they had already planned to sleep over, but always made it look like it was their little's idea so they would feel special. Well, even more special than they already were.

"Of course you can Minnie." Jungkook grinned and hugged Taehyung, while Jimin smiled and let out a small 'yay' that was barely above a whisper.

"Sleep for a bit now baby, you're tired." Yoongi said, kissing the top of Jimin's head as he swiftly fell asleep in the older's lap.

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