Jin x Reader

165 2 0

Warning: Eating disorder, mentions of online hate

Word Count: 2399

I sat up in bed looking around, the images from my nightmare still running through my head. My bedsheets were a mess and cold sweat ran down my forehead. I sighed and grabbed my cell phone off the bedside table, calling the only person I knew would pick up.


"Annyeonghaseyo Jin-oppa, sorry if I'm bothering you."

He gave a small chuckle, and I heard shuffling on the other end. "It's okay. Another nightmare?"


"Aish, I wish I could be there. I want to be able to help you. You are my fiancee after all." I smiled to myself and looked down at the ring on my finger.

"Well, you'll be back soon right?"

"Sooner than you think." he said, a small chuckle could be heard.

"Is that Namjoon? Put him on." I could hear the phone being passed off and Jin warning Namjoon not to do anything stupid. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"Noona! Hey how are you?" Namjoon's cheery voice kinda shocked me, he was so awake compared to Jin.

"I'm okay Namjoon. Is Jin behaving? You know how he is in America." Namjoon laughed and I heard Jin asking questions in the background.

"Yeah he's fine, they're all fine."

"Good, what time is it there anyways?"

"It's just past noon here, what about there?"

I looked over at my clock and sighed. "It's just after four in the morning."

"Yah! Y/n you should be asleep." I shrugged and lay back on my bed. "Was it the nightmares again? I wish there was a way we could help."

"Ah it's fine, I'll sleep later anyways. Where are you guys now?"

"We had a show, so we just left the venue. We're going back to our hotel." I nodded to myself and wrote this down.

"I thought you didn't have anymore shows. Your last one was supposed to be two days ago." I said, and the other side of the phone was suddenly filled with shouts. I heard shuffling and then Jin's voice.

"Sorry about that, but Namjoon needs to talk with Jimin right now." I giggled and Jin groaned.

"That's fine, just be safe Jinnie."

"I will, try and sleep a bit more. And don't be bad at work, just have some coffee and you'll be fine."

"Okay, I'll call you later Jin-oppa."

"Y/n, saranghaeyo!" I blushed, every time he told me he loved me I couldn't help it. He was just so sweet, and I wasn't used to people showing such affection towards me.

"Yah! Kim Seokjin, you're making me blush. Saranghaeyo! Now get some rest." Then I hung up the phone, trying to get some rest. I couldn't sleep so I got up and listened to Jin, getting some coffee.

When I left for work, I kept track of the time in America. I wanted to call Jin before he fell asleep. Work passed by in the blink of an eye, and then afterwards I went out for dinner. I got back home around eight at night and I tried to call Jin. But he didn't pick up. I sighed and flopped back on my bed. Sleep tugged at my mind, and I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

I woke up the same way I had the night before, a small scream escaping my throat as I sat up and gasped. I heard footsteps outside my bedroom door, and then it opened and a shadow crossed my vision. "Y/n-ah!"

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