Chapter 1

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Midoriya POV

I wave to my mother as I walk out the door, seeing her eyes start to tear up. I soften my gaze, rolling my eyes slightly; this happens almost every morning.

"You are so cool Izuku. You are going to be a great hero! I know it," she wipes away tears, smiling. I rub the back of my neck nervously. She ruffles my hair.

"Thank you mother. I'll text you if anything arises," I reassure her, seeing her eyes brighten. I walk out the door, chuckling at her shouts of encouragement. I wave behind me as I start to run towards the school. Hardly anyone is out yet, it still being 7:00, school starting at 8:30. I and Todoroki were both assigned to clean the classroom before the day started.

I run down the path, feeling the adrenaline rush through my legs as I think of using Full Cowling. I scan my surroundings, seeing a nearby alley way, a short cut to the school. I let the power rush through my body, concentrating on 5% Full Cowling. As I reach the opening I jump, ricocheting off the walls. As I enter the neighbouring street I jump off the wall onto the ground, letting Full Cowling drive me forward faster than I would normally run.

I reach school by 7:30, saving 30 minutes with my shortcuts along with the train ride. My legs burn as I slip off my shoes and leave them in my locker. I check Todoroki's locker, seeing his shoes in there. I smile at the thought of having some time alone with my friend, it feels like the only time where we actually get to talk is when we are in danger or fighting. I run up the stairs, opening the giant door. I scan the room before seeing the taller boy pausing from wiping down the chalk board to look at me. My cheeks were flushed and my hair wild, but I smile anyway. A small smile tugs at his lips before he looks away.

"Good morning!" I say happily as I set down my bag on my desk. I reach to grab my workbooks, placing them on my desk.

"Morning," he replies softly. Too softly. I frown as I walk up to stand next to him.

"Are you okay?" He opens his mouth to reply but I cut him off, "if you aren't then you can totally talk to me but if you are then that's awesome. Oh! But don't think I'm trying to pry into your life, you've already told me so much you don't need to tell me anymore. And oh god I'm rambling aren't I?" I cut myself off, covering my mouth with my scarred hand. He looks at me, then back at the board.

"I got kicked out," he grips the eraser, covering it with ice, avoiding eye contact. "I lashed out at my father." My mouth opens then closes. I didn't even realise that that could have been an outcome from his relationship with his father. I stay silent for a moment before opening my mouth again.

"Did he hurt you anywhere?" I cautiously hold out a hand and place it on his shoulder. He shakes his head, however pain lingers in his eyes,

"It's not so bad that you need to worry about it," he rolls his shoulders, wincing. I drop my hand. "Anyway I need a place to stay. If it isn't at your inconvenience I think staying at your place would be the best option. You know the most about my past. I already packed all my clothes," he points to a large duffel bag that rests next to his desk. I look back to him, that's the most he's ever talked to me in one go.

"I would totally be okay with that, I just have to check with my mother. She would probably be okay with it," I say, using some extravagant hand motions. Todoroki watches at me.

"Even your hand gestures are like All Might," he narrows his eyes slightly. My eyes widen at his sudden remark. I quickly brush it off with a question.

"So what jobs do you want me to do? Then I'll text my mother." He looks around.

"You can sweep the floors. I'll write up the date." He gestures to a broom in the corner of the room, grabbing the eraser with his left hand to melt it. I run to grab it.

We work in silence before the other classmates start to file in, Iida being one of the first to enter.

"Good morning Midoriya, Todoroki," he holds up his bandaged hand.

"Good morning Iida!" I wave at him, placing the broom back to where it belongs. Todoroki was already sitting at his desk.

"Morning Iida," he lifts his hand in greeting. Iida promptly places his bag on his desk, fetching workbooks out and a pen. I walk over to my own desk, getting out my phone.

Izuku: Mother, Todoroki has no where to stay for a little while. Would it be okay for him to stay with us? He said it would be the most convenient.

Mother: Of course! We have an extra futon that we can put in your room! When is he coming over?

Izuku: tonight.

Mother: no worries, but he's going to be your responsibility so anything he breaks will be on you! <33

Izuku: Thank you! <3

I turn off my phone and shove it back into my bag. This is going to be an adventure.

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