Chapter 8

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Deku POV

I stare into the sunset, my face expressionless. I hardly pay attention as Todoroki jogs up to me, his eyes full of worry.

"Are you okay Midoriya? You've been like that since I called you my boyfriend...oh," he trails off, a small smile gracing his lips. I shake my head, finally focusing on my partner.

"Sorry..I guess I'm just winded from it or something. I just didn't expect it," I watch as Todoroki's smile drops, "no! No, I liked it! It just took me aback." I squeeze his hand. "Now impress me with some of those moves that you promised me." He jogs back towards the water as I sit down, placing my chin in my hands, feeling the warmth of my face.

I intently watch as Todoroki creates ice walls, blows them down with his fire, flips and twists, making the twilight sky glow orange. I occasionally let out sounds of delight and wonder, sometimes getting a finger gun or a wink in reply.

I stand up and run towards my boyfriend as he walks back towards me, making water in his palms and drinking it. I stop just short of hugging him as he puts a damp hand up. "Let me get freshened up first. I'm pretty gross." I laugh and walk beside him.

"That was amazing! How long have you been practicing?" I ask, Todoroki's head going down a little.

"Well, my father made me train everyday since I got control over my fire. It's been...bearable though." I frown in worry.

"Oh. I'm sorry," I stand by as he puts on his shirt and shoes, brushing the sand out of them first.

"Don't be. I'm used to it, as bad as that sounds." I shiver, uncomfortable, anxious, and angry at his father. Todoroki leans over, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm okay. Especially when I'm with you." At his words my face turns red, my hands reaching to play with my hair.

"Please don't. You know I get flustered easily."

" I do."

Four Days Later

The bell chimes as we open the door to the small cafe; a common hangout place for teenagers and couples, which we are. As I close the door to the wind my ears catch a familiar voice. I turn to see Kacchan standing up at a booth, fishing notes out of his wallet. I tilt my head and see Kirishima sitting on the booth chair, laughing. I tug on Todoriki's sleeve.

"Look. There's Kacchan and Kirishima...what do you think they're doing?" He frowns over at them then smirks.

"Probably the same thing as us." My jaw drops and my face turns red.

"Oh. Should we go say hi?" I twiddle my fingers, keeping my head down. In reply, Todoroki starts walking towards them, clasping my hand. He puts his free hand up in greeting.

"Err..Half n Half? Deku? What are you doing here?" Kacchan turns to us, growling.

"Todoroki! Midoriya!" Kirishima waves to us from his seat. I wave back to him, smiling nervously.

"We wanted to say hi. We were just going for lunch," he explains.

"Heh. You on a date or something?" Kacchan jests, his eyes going wide as he realises. "Oh. Heh that's just another weakness." He tries to shake it off, Kirishima frowning at him. He stands up, putting an arm around Kacchan's shoulders.

"Come on Bakugou! You don't mean that," he smiles, his sharp teeth a hollow threat to his partner. Kacchan growls in reply; another empty threat. They walk together towards the counter and walk out the door after paying, Kirishima waving back at us. I wave in reply, giving him a smile. We take up the empty booth, sitting on opposite sides.

"Well they seem well matched." I grin up at my partner, Todoroki humming in reply, squeezing my hand. I blush and look away as the waiter comes over to our table. We order and I start as my phone suddenly buzzes.

All Might: we are you? todoroki's father has been looking for his son. i told him he was at your place.

Midoriya: we're just out getting a drink. Why is he looking for him?

All Might: something about apologizing. doesn't sound like him though.

I turn off my phone and look up to meet Todoroki's confused gaze.

"All Might just said your father's looking for you. What should we do?" I explain, seeing his eyes become glazed over.

"Well...last time I ran away he almost broke my arm and burned the living room down," he scratches his cheek, "and that was before I starting seeing you.." We both look down at the table, calculating our next moves. I start breathing deeper, trying to keep my nerves in check. Todoroki turns to me worriedly, clasping our hands together. "I'll be here to protect you. I'm sure I can defeat the second best hero..." He looks to the side.

"I'm sure together we can," I say more to myself than to him. We let our hands go to the side as our drinks are brought to us. As I sip at the milkshake I keep an eye on the window; Endeavor could blast through the glass at any time. "I really hope we can spend a lot more time together," I blurt out, my mouth working faster than my brain. I cover my mouth immediately after, embarrassment rising in my chest. Surprising me, Todoroki entwines our fingers, hoping for the same fate.

My ears twitch as I hear someone gasp and exclaim: "Endeavor! Do you think I could get his autograph?" I choke on my drink, startling Todoroki. I glance out the glass and point to a glowing silhouette. Todoroki stands up, disturbing the table and spilling our almost-empty drinks. I shoot up with him, jumping out of the booth.

"Should we run? I don't think civilians should see a fight.." After glancing at me, Todoroki shakes his head.

"I should go with him. I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt." He steels himself, my jaw dropping.

"But.." I try to say, Todoroki already striding out the door, the chimes almost too shrill. I rush out to meet him, grabbing his hand. He squeezes it but doesn't drop it.

"Todoroki!" His father yells, running over to us. I stand my ground, starting to shake as Endeavor's flames flare up. Todoroki moves me behind me, his gaze freezing cold and burning hot at the same time. He flinches as his father stops a meter away, glaring at us.

"Father." He greets him coldly.

"You're coming back home. Your sister's worried about you," he groans, looking to the side. I look worriedly between him and Todoroki, my heart beating in my chest.

"What happens if I don't want to?" he talks back, ignoring his father's growl.

"Then I'll force you. I bet you haven't even been training," he threatens, our eyes meeting. I look back down at the floor, my mind in shambles. Todoroki lets go of my hand, my body already missing the familiar heat (and cold).

"Fine. Just don't make a scene in public." He glares at his son before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him roughly away from me. Before I can speak he leans down to Todoroki.

"And stay away from that kid. I don't want you talking to All Might's surrogate son." I gulp at the harsh words, shuffling my feet, tears pricking my eyes. Todoroki glances back at me, fear and shame clear in his mismatched eyes.

"Can I at least say goodbye?" Endeavor nods at his request. He walks stiffly back towards me and leans in to whisper in my ear. "I'm sorry. Don't do anything stupid." I take an sharp intake of breath as he kisses my cheek before going back to his father. I hold my cheek against my hand as they walk away, making a plan in my head.

I was definitely going to do something stupid.

A/N: forgot about the todoroki pov chapter ah well. Sorry this took so long, was busy with art and had a writers blokc

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