Chapter 4

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Midoriya POV

I grab my shoes out of the locker, Todoroki doing the same. He slings his duffel bag over his shoulder, grabbing his school bag. I slip my own bag on, checking that I have my train pass.

"Do you have a pass for the train?" I ask over my shoulder.

"No. I have money though," he replies, opening his wallet, showing me the notes. He places it back in his bag. I give him a thumbs up, smiling. We walk out the gates together, heading towards the station. After a few minutes I speak up.

"Do you mind if we train together? I need to train regularly and I would be better if I could train to fight as well. Although Gran Torino said that I shouldn't get used to one fighting style unless I can't fight anyone else-" he cuts my mumbling off.

"Sure. It will probably be less intense than when I train with my father," at the mention of his father I feel the air get cold. I grab his left hand from the side and squeeze it reassuringly. He freezes up, literally, and I let go of his hand.

"Are you okay? Sorry!" I put my hands together, walking backwards in front of him. He melts off the ice quickly, his cheeks heating up, from his left side or from something else, I'm not sure.

"Don't worry about it. Thank you for your concern though," he brushes off the ice from his shoulders, giving me a reassuring smile. As I open my mouth to say something we are greeted with the building of the station. I motion for him to follow me. After checking the times and getting Todoroki a ticket we stand beside the tracks in the correct terminal. "So how long does this trip take?" Todoroki asks, staring at the ground.

"20 minutes, then it's a 10 minute walk. 5 if I use my quirk.." I lower my voice at the end, expecting a question about it. Todoroki just keeps looking at the rails. We wait silently for the train, holstering our bags as it approaches the terminal. We get on, sitting down, only a few people get on this train during the week so I usually have a seat. A few minutes pass in silence before a girl next to me taps my shoulder.

"You are Midoriya right? And Todoroki?" She brightens up at my nod. "Ahh I was so amazing that you came first in the race! Your quirk is crazy!" She exclaims. I chuckle, Todoroki laying back, letting out a sigh.

"Thank you.." I start before she can cut us off, relieved at her silence. After a few moments the train stops and the girl hops up. She waves to us before jumping off. I turn to see Todoroki with his eyes closed.

"It's weird. Being called out in public. It's happened before too." I watch Todoroki for any reaction. He just breathes out his nose.

"It's different at home. My father used to give me shit for not using my left side in the tournament," his eyes open to look at his left hand. "You really helped me. Telling me it was my own power," he smiles slightly at me. My eyes widen, feeling flustered.

"Oh gosh don't make a big deal out of it," I play with a strand of my hair, "I just kinda do those sorts of things," he cuts me off.

"No I'm serious. It really helped Midoriya. That's why I was able to stand up to my father. That's how I protected you from Stain. That's how I fought with my flames today," he explains softly. I smile at him then look down at my hands, feeling pride and regret.

I sigh. "I do feel bad though, meddling in your family business." He waves it off.

"Didn't you say that meddling in another business was the essence of being a hero?" I jolt at his remembrance, his words surprising me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I look out the window to see that my stop is coming up, motioning for Todoroki to grab his bags. We hop off the train, running through the station. I jump, excited. Todoroki tilts his head at this. "Sorry! I just get excited when I'm going home. I don't know how to explain it really!" I ramble, skipping slightly. He nods.

"I guess I also feel that, not going to my house," he replies, pulling his bag further onto his back. I soften my eyes. I sometimes forget how bad he has it.

"Well, I hope my house is better than yours," I kid, him nodding, looking away. After a few moments he turns to face me.

"Do you like Uraraka?" I stare at him blankly before turning red.

"No. No! I mean she's nice, and I pretty sure she likes me...but I'm scared of any attachments. For the future." I place my head in my hands. "Why?" I look up at him through my fingers.

"Sorry. I just needed to know." He looks aside. I tilt my head at him, confused.

We arrive at my house with a few minutes to spare, the train taking less time than usual. I take off my shoes and lead Todoroki upstairs, waving to my mother. Todoroki stops at the bottom of the stairs.

"Mrs Midoriya, I will be staying here for a little while while my father," he glances at me, "is around."

"You must be Todoroki! I've heard so much about you! Izuku already contacted me, you can stay here for as long as you want. Money really isn't an issue." She smiles up at us. We start going up the stairs again, taking him to my room. I open the door then stare at all my posters and All Might figurines. I laugh nervously as I enter the room.

"I'm sorry you had to see this," I say as I gesture for him to put his bag down.

"It's okay. It's endearing." I squint my eyes at him in disbelief.

"If you say so, I'll go get your futon. I'll be back." I point as I hop out through the door, sighing as I walk down the hall.

Why did he want to know if I like Uraraka? Does he like her? I frowned, feeling confusingly, envious. I opened the closet door, grabbing the futon from the top shelf, placing it onto my shoulders.

"I'm back!" I yell as I step into the room, throwing the futon into the corner of the room for later. Todoroki is walking around the room, admiring my various All Might merchandise.

"What is your fascination with All Might?" He turns to look at me. My eyes widen, he's asked me this before.

"I guess...umm...he's like my teacher? He helps me train. He is also the reason why I decided to become a hero." I use hand gestures to distract him from my face.

"So he's like a parental figure? You've never talked about your father," he tilts his head. I laugh, sitting down on my bed, slightly overwhelmed. "Are you okay?" He holds out his hands apologetically.

"Yes yes, I just heard something similar to that today," I wave off his caution. "We should do our homework." I pull out my books from my bag, resting them on my knees, laying down on the bed. "You can use of desk, I usually do homework here anyway." I point at the desk. I watch as Todoroki places his materials on the desk. We sit in silence, the scratch of pen on paper the only sound filling the room. I sigh, relieved, placing my books back in my bag. I look over at Todoroki, his hand in his hair. He swings in his chair, the pen pressed against his lips. His face is neutral, showing almost no emotion, as it rarely does. I catch myself staring at his features, looking to the side. "How're you going?" I get up to stand next to him.

"Last math problem. Then I'm finished. We should train." I look over at his work, his writing neat and fast.

"Holy shit how are you so good at math??" I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder. Not looking over at me he answers.

"I'm sure you are."

"But not like this! As long as you're here you'll have to teach me," I point at his work then at myself.

He chuckles. I blink at the sound. "Okay, I'll teach you."

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